Yajurved Adhyay 5 Mantra 1 AgneH TanuH Asi Vishnve Tva Somasya - TopicsExpress


Yajurved Adhyay 5 Mantra 1 AgneH TanuH Asi Vishnve Tva Somasya TanuH Asi Vishnve Tva AtitheH Atishyam Asi Vishnve Tva Shyenaay, Tva Som bhrte, Vishnve Tva Agnye Tva RaiH Poshde Vishnve Tva 1 Introduction: In this Mantra, there is description of two states of God. In one state, Parmeshwar (Supreme God) has a bright body in the upper loks. In the second state, Parmeshwar (Supreme God) in the attire of a Rishi or a Saint, acquiring a body like an ordinary man, takes care of all the souls. Like an ‘Atithi’ i.e. a guest comes. The meaning of ‘Atithi’ is, one whose arrival date (Tithi) is not predetermined. For arrival in the form of a guest also, that God has two states. Like — 1). God by staying in the world for some time and leading life like an ordinary man spreads His Tattavgyan (true spiritual knowledge). Like, God appearing in Kabir form lived in Banaras (Kaashi) city for 120 years. Suddenly appeared on a lotus flower in the form of an infant, and then grew up while doing leela. After staying in the world as a guest for 120 years, went to Satlok [to His personal place] with His body. 2). The second state is that, Parmatma by appearing suddenly in the form of a Saint or Rishi or other ordinary man grants audience to His special devotee. Explains Tattavgyan to him and after showing His Satyalok to him, leaves him back on Earth. Then that supreme devotee describes the eye-witnessed glory of that Purna Parmatma. This act has been described as that of a Falcon bird or an Alal bird. Like, a Falcon bird swoops swiftly on another bird and taking it, quickly goes away; similarly, comparison has been done with an Alal (which lives in air in the sky) bird, which quickly comes down and picking up elephants quickly goes away in the sky. Like, God appearing suddenly met Sant Nanak Ji on the bank of river Bein. After showing Sachchkhand i.e. Satyalok, on the third day suddenly left him on the Earth. After that Sant Nanak Ji eulogised the eyewitnessed glory of Purna Parmatma, which is present in his sacred speech in Shri Guru Granth Sahib in Mehla Pehla. Likewise, in year 1727, Parmeshwar in the form of a Jinda Mahatma (a saint) met Sant Garibdas Ji in Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar (Haryana state) in a field named ‘Nalaa’. After showing Satlok to him, left him on Earth the same day. After that Sant Garibdas Ji described the eyewitnessed account of the glory of Parmatma, which is present in his sacred speech in the Sad¢Granth [Holy book] “Vaani Garibdas”. Similarly, God met Sant Dadu Ji, met Sant Malook Das Ji, met Sant Dharmdas Ji, met Sant Gheesa Das Ji, met Prophet Muhammad Ji, met King Abrahim Sultan Adham Ji. Purna Prabhu met many other Mahatmas3 as a guest in the second way, and disseminated His True Spiritual Knowledge (Tattavgyan) and brought about His souls’ wellbeing. He met Aacharya Swami Ramanand Ji and showed him Satyalok. Aacharya Swami Ramanand Ji, on seeing with his own eyes, described the glory of Purna Parmeshwar Kabir Ji — Dohoon thaur hai ek too, bhya ek se doye He Kabir, hum kaarne, aaye ho mag joye [Swami Ramanand Ji said, “Oh God Kabir, you are above in a bright body and you only are present here in both the places. You have come all this way for us.] Translation: (Agne) Self-illuminated God (TanuH) with body (asi) is [i.e. God has an effulgent body]. (Vishnve) For nurturing-protecting i.e. for fulfilling the requirements of the souls of all the loks (Tva) that (Somasya) Immortal God’s i.e. Eternal God’s (TanuH) body (Asi) is [which means, for nurturing-protecting i.e. for fulfilling the requirements of the souls of all the loks, that Immortal God i.e. Eternal God has a body]. Som Purush i.e. Eternal God, entering into the three loks, sustains everyone. He enters as a guest i.e. appears suddenly [one whose arrival date is not predetermined, is called an Atithi i.e. a guest.] (Tva) That God’s (vishnve) arrival occurs by entering into the three loks for nurturing-protecting everyone. (AtitheH) The God, who has appeared as a guest (Atishyam) worthy of hospitality i.e. worthy of being worshipped (Asi) is [which means, the God who has appeared as a guest is worthy of hospitality i.e. is worthy of being worshipped]. (Tva) The arrival of that God, (Vishnve) for nuturing, (Som bhrte) for proving eternal happiness i.e. for filling with the nectar of Bhakti by granting the path of complete salvation, occurs in two ways. One is: (Tva) the arrival of that God (Vishnve) occurs for pervading in the world for some time i.e. occurs for providing the Tattavgyan to the pious souls and for providing all the comforts, by doing leela of leading life like a common man in the world. Like, Parmeshwar for doing leela in the four yugas, appearing in the form of an infant and with time growing up like an ordinary man, lived in the world for some time. In Kalyug, Purna Parmatma appeared by the name Kabir in Kaashi city on a lotus flower in year 1398 A.D. and lived in the world for 120 years, and then returned to Satlok with His body. In the second way, (Tva) the arrival of that God (Shyenaay) occurs like the Shyen bird for returning quickly. Like, a Falcon bird or an Alal bird swoops swiftly on other living beings for its food and grabbing it, quickly returns; similarly, in the second state, God appears suddenly to wake up those sleeping in the slumber of ignorance. He tells the Tattavgyan to His special devotee and takes him with Him to His personal abode Satlok. Showing all the views of there, again leaves the devotee on Earth. Thereafter, the Godattained devotee describes the eye-witnessed glory of God. Like, God met Sant Nanak Ji on the bank of river Bein; took him to Sachchkhand i.e. Satyalok, and three days later, left him on the bank of the same river. Like, God met Sant Garibdas Ji in Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar in Haryana state and took him to Satyalok, and a few hours later, again left him on Earth. Both the aforesaid Mahatmas described the eye-witnessed glory of Parmeshwar which is present in the sacred speech of both the saints. (Tva) These are leelas of that All-capable Parmeshwar, which He (Agnye) does to remain self-illuminated. (Tva) His (Vishnve) arrival occurs for sustaining everyone by entering into all the loks. (RaiH Poshde) That Master of the lineage only is the sustainer of all. He performs all the leelas only for the prosperity of His living beings.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:21:18 +0000

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