Yall, my heart beats faster when I think about the next few days - TopicsExpress


Yall, my heart beats faster when I think about the next few days and whats all gonna happen. Im so excited to have my baby girl here but also so so nervous since shes so big and Im having her naturally. So please keep me in your prayers. Also, before I have her I just need to say I have been so blessed throughout this pregnancy with such a wonderful support system. First of all, Darren, poor guy has probably caught the most of my crap. And heard it all. But he has been there for me through this and every time I say ouch, hes jumping up out of his sleep are you okay?! Wheres it hurt?? What can I do? He has ran all over for me and been at just about every appointment. He has helped me roll out of bed and get dressed when I cant do it on my own. Hes cried with me, and been excited with me and mad with me. Hes done so much and Ill never deserve him. Hes already such a good daddy and I cant wait to see him with his baby girl and for him to watch the mother in me be born right along with her. I love you baby. Jerica, thank you for being there for me and spoiling me beyond your means during this. Yall, seriously all I have to say is I want and she has done her best to make it happen. Shes been such a great sister and friend throughout this and I think its brought us even closer. Dont get me wrong, We have still fought but she has been there for me every single day and fed me ice chips and massaged my back, and whiped tears, and taken me out to movies, and all kinds of places to get me out of the house when I get in my feelings. And Im so thankful to have her by my side in this. (You too, Jessica Denham, Im not excluding u. Just braggin on Jerica) And my Donna Tanksley Johnson, goodness, goodness. I really have the best Momma. She is the sweetest thing, and has listened to my every complaint, my every fear, she knows just about everything there is to know about me and has been so very supportive. She doesnt pass by me without rubbing my belly, crying, and saying how much she cant wait for jurnee to be here. She is willing to be uncomfortable at the hospital with me for however long it takes, and stand there with me and help me deliver her even though the poor woman is hurting, herself. Shes a good momma. We have a bond like no other, and Im so blessed to have her. Theres been lots of other support, and lots of other people there for me and i appreciate it more than u know. Seriously, nothing anyone has done has gone unnoticed and Im so thankful for all of you :)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:56:05 +0000

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