Yaya is kind of right. Ive noticed a lot of people lately saying - TopicsExpress


Yaya is kind of right. Ive noticed a lot of people lately saying that the con scene and cosplaying has changed very dramatically. Dont deny it. Cosplay has become very main stream and most people view it as competitive now and only wish to gain fame. Not saying that thats completely wrong or thats what everyone wants, but we all have dreams (famous actor, model, artist - the list goes on and on). What concerns me is that sometimes when you seek fame you can lose yourself. You forget what its really about. You forget who and what matters the most and only think of yourself. I remember when I first started in 2009, it was all about fun, who cared about how bad my first costume was? I was enjoying a good time with my friends! I knew my skills would improve as I practiced more. I had confidence not only in myself but in others around me and that if I needed help, it was always there. But as the years have gone on Ive noticed a lot of change in people. Take for example this past Metro Con. I cosplayed Mikasa from Attack on Titan complete gull gear, made completely by me. There were a few others who also had gear but this one guy, he had really nice gear. I was with a group of a few other Aot cosplayers when he came around and I asked him if he made his gear. He said yes. But when I tried talking to him about how he made it he continually kept avoiding giving an answer and eventually just walked off. I realized that the gear was bought (it was pretty obvious, it had a factory look to it). I was absolutely furious. How could you take credit like that? And not only that, it felt like a lot of the Aot cosplayers were giving me glares. I wanted to talk about the Fandom and my gear/their gear to any of the other cosplayers. But didnt really get to (only a small handful of people) I was so let down by this. But even though that, and other incidents have happaned I havent lost complete faith. But I do feel that the golden age may just be coming to end. That isnt necessarily a bad thing but its also not a good thing. Who knows. All I know is Im gonna cherish what Ive got and try to focus on the good things! This community needs more positivity!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:18:26 +0000

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