Yeah, baby! It’s been a great day and it’s Friday night with - TopicsExpress


Yeah, baby! It’s been a great day and it’s Friday night with much happenin’ and the great news of the evening is that we get to move through this night with the Prince of Peace Jesus with us!!!! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He has chosen to live in your heart and mine through our faith in Him and He will empower us to be victorious in life for His Kingdom! He is a mighty warrior, strong and courageous to strengthen us and enable us to stand firm in His loving holy ways as bright lights and Ambassadors for Him! Oh, He believes in you and He is very happy about dwelling in yer heart and journeying right along side of you to conquer life in great ways with ya! Now how amazing is that! Feel majestic tonight because as His kids, we are sons and daughters of the King! Nothing can separate us from His powerful presence with us as long as we choose to take Him along with us and go confidently and with a triumphant attitude! Oh, wherever He takes us and whatever the outcome, even if it is a nap on the couch, we know it will have His victory status on it because nothing passes into our lives that He doesn’t say ok, this will be good for my child! He gives us the thumbs up on His will for our lives and it is the best that we can seek, so we can rest assured He is takin’ care of us as we pray to Him, search His will through His written Word, seek Godly counsel and listen to His Holy Spirit leading us! Now how awesome is that and what a blessing to know we are in the best of care in the hands of the most powerful One ever who IS love! I love that thought and it makes me smile! Smile with me and let’s go for Him with Him and conquer life together! It’s gonna be divine and a fun adventure!!!! I love His surprises and victories, don’t you!!!! They are sure with Him!!!! We can make our plans, but He will guide our steps and He says that He knows the plans that He has for us, plans to prosper us and not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future! So glad and thankful!!!! Proverbs 16:9; Jeremiah 29:11 Here is a song that reflects on our mighty conqueror that lives in us through faith in Him:
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:30:15 +0000

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