Year End Appreciation 2 members. It has been an extraordinary - TopicsExpress


Year End Appreciation 2 members. It has been an extraordinary 2014 for Nigeria. To narrate events of the past twelve months which witnessed many traumatic episode in our politics, our social engineering and the economic swing moods of the country is a long story. The year ends the way it started -with many uncertainties in a Nation at diecy trigger point -ready for the 3rd circle of Dantes Inferno. While the future cannot be written, we can be assured God is alive in the affairs of Nigeria. Given the patriotic state of my mind, I call to God Almighty -Father Most High -The Creator and The Giver of life -that to Him all adoration is given, all glory belongs, and all praises be to His Victorious still look after the Nation. Though the Urgency of now calls for major reforms in our national life, our destination cant be short changed without Gods approval. Whatever the journey, whatever uncertainties faced as a people, the Nation must keep faith with God -He alone remains our today, our tomorrow, and our final destination. Though pitfalls came our way, Father in Heaven alone continued to see us through. There isnt a logical way with God because His direction cannot be understood in the affairs of man. Though shaking at-times, we stood assured with God, and all eventualities of life were just that. Let us be thankful to God for all His protections. The push into tomorrow will continue, still we must retain God Almighty to pilot the affairs of our journey in the leftover days of this year and in the years ahead. To friends, known and unknown, detractors, and enemies alike -those who threatened me and felt threatened equally by my strong resolve & determination to forage ahead inspite of their pronouncements -I say thank you all for making 2014 both unpredictable and joyful in the many experiences that came with it. For the laughter we have shared; the shared moments of sorrow which can never be replaced -yet lives in memories. For the disappointments and setbacks shared; the elevations to new hights in both military and civilian profession, and finally for the friendly encouragements from progressive minds alike -in all things, I give you all my word of appreciation -for I know, God was the finality in everything we had gone through together. To my family, it wouldnt had been worthwhile without your standing support -especially that of my mother, with whom things looked so discouraging, and yet she kept faith with God. I give my deepest heart felt thanks to you all for the presence in my life. 2014 runs down in a matter of days. Just as it started with uncertainties, it is ending with much acknowledgement of unknown possibilities. There exist a difficulty in predicting cohesion or acceptability in the up-coming election results due to national polarity -largely driven by regional/ religious interest. It has indeed been an extraordinary year in the lifes of Nigerians. A year full of memorable moments. Thanks for reading! Thanks for following me through out 2014. I love you all and wish you happy holidays -seasons greetings my people and happy New Year in Advance. Join me again in 2015 God willing for an interesting journey in the realization of our hopes for a better Nigeria. God bless you all. God bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:09:59 +0000

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