Yemen puzzle By: Hassan karam Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Yemen puzzle By: Hassan karam Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 9:44 a.m Contradictions in which we live and hear and did not at least until now taste its reality on the ground, is the claim for the dismantling of the Arab states into sectarian and ethnic states etc.. for the rebuilding of the new Middle East under the auspices of the American -Zionist plot ..! ! If the dismantling of any Arab state on the basis of race or religion did not materialized until now except for the Kurdistan region of Iraq which had existed since Iraq was divided into states during the Ottoman rule ( Brigade of Basra in the south and Baghdad in the center and then a brigade of Mosul in the north ). then recently came, Sudan, which was divided after a war that continued as it is well known for decades between the north and south and in order to put the long and fierce war to an end the division of Sudan became an absolute necessity. Sudan is still subjected to split into a third and fourth division if the Khartoum government does not initiate to resolve the outstanding problems between some areas that are still at odds with the Khartoum rulers. The question here .. Is the division of Sudan into two states or the granting of the Kurdistan region of Iraq an autonomy within the framework of the federal state is the beginning of a vow or is a division of the Arab world into sectarian and weak ethnic mini-states. Israel will have no competitive power near and can enjoy the neighborhood safely and be the unique force and power in the region. If this is true which in fact does involves a lot of the truth and reality in it. but however, what is not correct and is unrealistic and illogical is what applies to the Yemeni model . Yemen, which is divided in reality and historically into two countries solder a hasty and improvised framework unity back in May (1990). then it was the disaster of separation, when war broke between the two states of Unity ( 1994), and since that time and to this day the call for disengagement and the return of the southern state to its people continues. but no ears to hear and no rule of justice. how can we believe that there is an American Zionism conspiracy targeting Arab countries to establish a sectarian and ethnical mini-states while hypocritical America and the countries of the West insists to uphold the Yemen unity ( by hook or crook ) against the well and acceptance of this peaceful and abstracted, isolated and powerless civil people of the south of Yemen.. is yemen outside the calculation of the U.S. Zionist conspiracy or outside the map of the Arab world. Is it not affected by divisions and sectarian and ethnic dismantling like the rest of the Arab world ..? ! ! Honestly .. I do not understand until this moment the Yemen puzzle, why insisting on the unity of the two states of Yemen and ignore the will of the people who are looking for freedom and the right to the soil of their homeland. Why the Americans, the West and the Gulf states refuse to grant the right of self -determination for the people of the South of yemen. and why they agreed to the division of Yemen to the six regional provinces without the reference of the people or taking their opinion .. Is this the democracy that Westerners claime..? ! ! The six regional provinces that yemen had been divided into has not received the satisfaction and acceptance of all the Yemeni people in the south and in the north, but perhaps the most dangerous was revealed by southern leader Hassan Ahmed Baoom a few days ago when he met with young university students quoted that there is a serious conspiracy against Hadramout, and the plot that Baoom exposed as we understand was regional made. Is there a regional agreement between the Americans and the Zionists conspirators on biting and annexing land here and there and draw a new map of the area ..? ! ! * Watan
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:10:48 +0000

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