Yes I am pissed off, and you should be too. Their is no excuse - TopicsExpress


Yes I am pissed off, and you should be too. Their is no excuse for this excessive force. The police can claim that militarized swat teams are necesary all they want, but their is absolutely no excuse for using a flashbang in a home with Children in it, because they got a tip. How about a little investigation before mistakenly. Blowing a hole in an innocent childs face? Why isnt the officer responsible for making this horendous judgement call up on charges? Suspended? .... something? They shouldnt be allowed to wear the uniform, let alone be given Millitary Grade Hardware. No one can justify this. No one can excuse this, and no appology is good enough to reconstruct a babys face and body. The dammage done here can not be repaired. A drug raid is not an excuse to go on a violent rampage, especialy when their was not enough investigation done to warrent this response. Wake Up people, this could have been your son or daughter. Call for heads to roll!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 07:25:13 +0000

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