Yes you condemn this barbaric act, yes you feel the pain of those - TopicsExpress


Yes you condemn this barbaric act, yes you feel the pain of those children, and their parents, yes you sincerely believe your religion does not encourage this madness, yes yes and yes, but please dont stop there, please condemn them with names, condemn them categorically, condemn their actions and condemn their ideology; saying that your religion doesnt teach this is not enough; take your religion back from these hate mongers if you really mean it; these hate mongers are not from Uzbekistan, these hate mongers dont live in FATA of WANA or Swat, they live in your mohalla, in your hostel, in your madrasah, in your homes!! They are found in Karachi and lahore and Islamabad and Quetta and Peshawar and every town and every tehseel, dont let the name of your religion soften you or confuse you, or weaken you; they may call themselves Taliban, jamaat-i-Ahrar, hizbul-tehreer, sipah-sahaba, lashkar-jhangvi, ASWJ or go by any other name, however emotionally or religiously appealing it sounds, do not let them fool you and do not let them weaken your resolve!the universal principle of sanctity of life must not be forgotten, there is nothing more precious than life, not anyones honor, not anyones belief, not anyones political grievance, not anyones sense of righteousness. Know this yourself and tell this to them, in their face! And yes hold all those who have a soft corner for these barbarians and those who rationalize or justify their actions, by their necks, and drive them out of your society, push them out of your lives, name them and shame them, confront them! you will find these scoundrels among your neighbors, among your relatives, hold them if they are your teachers and hold them if they are your students, hold them if they are your friends, and hold them if they are the mullahs in your nearest mosque. We might still have a shot at stopping this monster if we unite today and resolve that we will not let this happen ever again. - Mirza Ali
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:35:25 +0000

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