Yeshua is not the Creator The term Elohim is a term given to the - TopicsExpress


Yeshua is not the Creator The term Elohim is a term given to the holy Eternal that was tampered with by the name God, but that not being the word Elohim as other names given to the Lord is the true personal name of IT and is not given or revealed to any person knows it . The "all" can be called Elohim , provided either by proxy or by an exaltation through a purpose made by the Eternal in his era or generation fulfilling His work . And in the book of Shemot (Exodus ) Chapter 2:3-4 , which says , in brief: We should worship no other Elohim " gods " that is not only IT . * Yeshua never ever asked for worship, as we see in all the teachings he left us. But his doctrine constituted to know and worship only the One True Elohim . Yeshua did not receive authority / power over all heaven and earth to be above the Eternal , it does not exist , impossible, inconceivable ! But he received power, and if he received it is clear that if in the same condition as Creator would not make a work of restoration .. Because no two Creators ! And he always said that teaching PAI Greater he was , as well , in fact , never came before any child of its parent . But then others may question : if he is begotten and the Father / ELOHIM that begat it is the same thing as the FATHER ? ! Only they do not know the Eternal , is still underpin the name Elohim / God , and saying that he is also Elohim , then enters the trinity doctrine that came from Rome , popes who tried to explain who was His Son Yeshua , because they could not know it , the one who had killed the cruxificar , because rejecting it would not be able to learn the real and true doctrine that would lead to only worship the Creator , then, did not absorb the thoughts jewish, the people of the Book , Israel , the which is our salvation , and that this path traveled by the Patriarchs , the Prophets, and all who heard and obeyed the words of the Book of the Law of the Eternal , that Yeshua came , perfectly fulfilled . The Eternal One True Elohim , Adonai Tzevaot , Creator , the One who was and who is to come, the Great I AM ( I was who I was , I Am Who I Am , I Am Who I Am ) , Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh , He who is perfect and Ama, YHWH , ABBA , must fulfill the Law ? IT was the same as receiving the sacrifices in the Temple , and when it says that Yeshua is the Lamb , a distinction is made between any other sacrifice , because for us there or was delivered His Only Begotten Son , and to understand who Who is the Father and the Son , one must delve deeply into a life of spiritual quest for knowledge Single ELOHIM True, His indivisible Unity and His Love , to capture a little of who HE is GREATNESS and understand the magnitude of love that He has for us to His hand on paper as a lamb to the slaughter .. No creature can receive all HIS BEING , even Yeshua , but he received his Fullness created according to his ability , according to what he can handle, as the one container or vase, so all of us too. Yeshua Mashiach receives this title / Anointed , how each of us can be limited in accordance with our . Therefore the Scripture says that His Ruach HaKodesh ( THE HOLY SPIRIT ) of Emet / Truth can not come into the world , because the whole world lies / dropped / sentenced in wickedness ( Ha - satan ) is and not love the Light , but love darkness , bothering it therefore can not receive it . And any who sincerely believe on Him and receive the desired LO , it is done by adopting and daughter but can not be a temple , obvious that ALL YOUR BEING Eternal can dwell because certainly , this creature does not exist or explode or be consumed etc! .. If not at Mount Sinai was in IT ALL FULLNESS OF HIS BEING , much less a temple made by human hands where animals were offered Deals HE was , let alone us! But our big difference is that we may be extended or increased in the soul .. So we can understand that the Creator is One and Only True Elohim and Yeshua Ha Mashiach Your first be created and Son . BARUCH ADONAI HA SHEM
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 04:13:44 +0000

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