Yesterday I had the privilege of doing a funeral for a great man - TopicsExpress


Yesterday I had the privilege of doing a funeral for a great man who was taken in a terrible tragedy. As we drove to the cemetery the cars would pull over or some of them. Some would even stop and get out to respect the family. Before we moved away 10 years ago everyone waved, everyone stopped, people slowed down enough to care. As the Lord moved us to large cities I prayed we could return home to raise children, this is the place I love, the place that defines me and I want to define my children. What happened to us? I am not ranting just asking, can we begin to care about each other again? Can we not pull over out of respect for a family that is hurting? Can we not pull the phone off our face long enough to wave? It hurts to see what I remember, what I tried so hard to return to all but gone. When was the last time u sipped some sweet tea with a friend or family. Your family had a big cookout? You checked on the little lady next door? U let your children go out to play and did not have to worry about them? In a world connected at the ear and fingertips we have chosen true isolation. We have allowed words to convey what can only be communicated by personal interaction. Everyone knows everything about us and yet has no clue of we are. And the danger is we find ourselves liking it. When u take relationships out of who we are as families, churches, and communities we have lost our identity and any hope of recovering it. Decide to care, not by social media but by personal interaction. I want what I had, for my boys!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 14:32:47 +0000

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