Yesterday in Seminary we had Parents Day! Every now and then I - TopicsExpress


Yesterday in Seminary we had Parents Day! Every now and then I have what is called a Flex Day. A flax day is a day that I can focus on helping the kids learn the 25 scripture mastery scriptures that they need to memorize or I can use it to catch up if I am behind or we can study for the assessments that they need to take to receive credit for seminary. I usually use mine for Scripture mastery and assessment prep. Yesterday, I used my flex day as a parents day. I thought a parents day would give the parents a good feel for what we do in seminary each morning. I wanted them to know why their kids feel this is important so all the parents would begin to understand its true value. We started off with scripture mastery. I shared JSH 1:15-20 (all super huge verses) and let the parents know that they would be memorizing a scripture that day. I got horrified looks when they assumed it would be that one. We then went to a much shorter verse and worked on it. We read it together and then I had parents give input on what it meant and how it applies to their lives. At first they were pretty quiet but I let them know that non participation does not fly in my class for their kids so they had to participate. They jumped right in after that. Our missionaries were at the building to teach a lesson so we then had our elders erase words, leaving the first letters on the board. We repeatedly recited the verse after more and more groups of words were erased. They were all able to recite the verse with the help of the first letters. We had the class president conduct and my chorister lead the music. Then parents did prayer and devotional. It was already well worth it. The spirit was so very strong. We reviewed what we had learned that week (missionary work) and I issued the same missionary challenge to the parents that I had issued to the kids earlier in the week. (I will post the challenge in my comments) I explained to the parents that my flex days are used either for Scripture Mastery or assessment review so we then played a game to prepare for the assessment. I had parents against kids and asked questions from the actual assessment. The point system was a by chance type of system so points could be stolen and not as much focus would be on actual score and competitiveness but rather the fun aspect of the game. I wanted the parents and the kids to know that the assessment should not be feared so this was a great game to warm them up to it. (As a side note, both teams got all questions correct) After the game I bore my testimony of seminary and a parent closed us with a prayer. We concluded with yummy breakfast treats. It was wonderful. Everyone stayed and chatted. It was really fun to see some parents come in late and others looking exhausted during the class. My own husband felt like he would die by the end of the day. He is normally able to sleep in every day and works from home so his commute is super short. ;-) This helped him develop a new respect for getting up that early every day and not being able to jump back into bed when you get home. These kids get up and attend a scripture study class before they go to school. They are in school all day and then have after school activities and homework. SOme have work, some have chores but they cant just take a nap during the day and they really participate in my class. I have a ton of respect for them! I thought I would share my experience. It went much better than I had planned, the spirit was present, the food was great, there were lots of smiles and lots of laughter. This is the BEST calling EVER! Just sayin
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:39:18 +0000

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