Yesterday something weird happened. Something I NEVER thought - TopicsExpress


Yesterday something weird happened. Something I NEVER thought would happen to lil old me. Something that is, in some ways, almost Hollywood-like in its weirdness. What was this creepy thing? A street musician that (by accident) exposed one of the biggest secrets to sales success. Im no preacher myself, but I got a really cool sermon for you today, my little droggie, so listen up! I live in a small town. Its kind of like this town in a middle of nowhere like in that movie The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, where everyone knows everyone. if youre not from around here -- we know. Now, here comes the good part. Ready? Imagine me walking down my baby daughter down the boulevard while her mommy shops around. We pass a street musician (who Ive never seen before). I reach into my left pocket, hand Erica a few shekels (thats the money we use down here) and tell her to drop those into the nice mans shoe box. So she does and starts laughing. The street musician is touched by our gesture. He instantly falls in love with my daughter. (And I honestly cant blame the guy. Shes friggin adorable!) Moments later something weird happens. The guy totally creeps me out. He puts down the guitar and starts asking me a bunch of questions. Like... Whats your daughters name?... How old is she?... Where are you guys from? My reaction? I grab my daughters hand and start stepping... FAST! Dont get me wrong... Im not paranoid or anything. Ask anyone who knows me and theyll tell you Im a pretty laid back guy. But the moment he started grilling me, alarms went off in my head. I felt uncomfortable. My heart started beating frantically. Sense of REAL DANGER sunk in. And believe it or not, theres a powerful marketing lesson here: You see, most internet marketers are like that -- theyre intrusive and their marketing is stuffed with hype and loud mouth claims. They throw words like exclusive and once-in-a-lifetime around with no evidence to back it up. We ALL hate hype. Its not ethical. It makes all marketers look bad (even those who dont use it) And its hard to get the prospect to trust you when heavily relied on. Plain and simple -- hype simply freaks people out. Its not inviting them to learn more about your product. It actually achieves the opposite. No, Im not saying hype doesnt work. Some marketers do very well for themselves using it. But at what cost? Heres why I avoid hype like the plague... Its the fastest way to chase away high-quality clients, because clients arent stupid. They know -- if its hyped up, its almost likely a scam. So if hype doesnt work why do so many marketers use it? There could be many reasons... The obvious ones are: 1) they dont know how to sell without it and 2) they werent taught any other way to market 3) they use it out of fear, because they if they dont someone else will and theyll lose money But theres a deep below the surface reason... Its deep. Its at the very CORE of your online business. Ready? Many internet marketers choose to promote products that wouldnt sell unless you deliver a pitch full of swagger. If theyd just shoot it straight -- no one buys. They have to invent problems that dont exist, yelling at their prospects and shaking fists at competition to make their product look better. Obviously they wouldnt have to get down to these low-life tactics if they were marketing something useful. Something that works. Something that underpromises and overdelivers. After all, pouring your heart into the wrong business... (and any business that relies heavily on hyped up pitches is wrong whether you agree with my humble (correct) opinion or not...) a very *expensive* mistake. Especially when theres perfectly ethical and high-converting opportunities out there Speaking of which Heres a great hype-free business my friend asked I share with you: Why does this particular product sell like gangbusters? Ill give you three reasons, oh droogster: * It solves an evergreen need/problem the customer is suffering from * It speaks only to serious success-minded prospects (tire kickers simply cant get in) * Its leaders are allergic to hype and refuse to inject their marketing with as so much as a drop of it Theres actually reason #4 that I didnt mention above. And just to make things interesting, The first 5 people to comment and guess the last fundamental Reason why this business it taking off like a rocket ship right now, get a free copy of my Igors $30K list building secret training. Just comment below to take a crack at it, Broski! Heres that link again:
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:39:23 +0000

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