Yesterday was The Day of Days - I was on FB just in the morning - - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was The Day of Days - I was on FB just in the morning - All of a sudden I hear this weird crying - It was Ally - About 10 years ago she began having seizures - She takes meds that control them - Whenever she has one - she has this very distinctive cry - Shes trying to find me - The meds work but every now and then shell still have one - over the years they became less severe and dont last long - She doesnt have them very often - I run out to find her and shes on the stairs with this blank look - is not responding to me at all - These are the types she had in the beginning - and it was lasting a real long time - So I pretty much sit with her and pet her until it passes - when it starts passing one of the signs is she gets extremely hungry - I keep dry food and water upstairs 24/7 - It seemed like it was passing - she goes over to her food and usually when there bad she eats like for 15 minutes straight - Its very scary - Its like shes drunk - she cant walk straight and sometimes her tongue will hang out.....She only ate like for a minute or 2 so that alarmed me - She was sitting in my office with me and was in a ball and just staring - I start getting nervous - goes back to her bowl after awhile and eats only a little bit.....I decided to give her something she really likes to see if she would eat it up - Gave her turkey which she loves and gobbles it in 2 seconds - It finally passed but I havent seen one last this long in about 10 years......very upsetting - so she is now fine - Thank God - Then its time to fix my computer and try to get rid of the Conduit Virus - My friend who lives out of state who is extremely computer savvy and Rick are on the phone for hours and it wont work - They find out in the end its because we have different window programs - This virus seems to effect mainly IE and chrome google which I use theres more aggravation - its still broken and it just cost way too much to bring in........So to get my mind off of things we ate something and watched 3 movies - the first 2 were good - I had seen one of them a long time ago - The last movie was so heavy and depressing.......that I was in a funk after it ended.....That should have been the first one to watch - Plus Im not sure I have it figured out - I posted about that earlier......Was up till about 2am and Ally started jumping on us about 6 for breakfast - which actually I was happy about - because it meant she was feeling there you have it.......Today its so hot where I am - plus humidity but no drama so Im good - I just need this virus removed...& Ally to remain well................And how was your Saturday my My FB Friends
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 19:41:04 +0000

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