@Yesterdsys days Nyalenda Settlement Ececutive meeting@ Kazi Ngumu - TopicsExpress


@Yesterdsys days Nyalenda Settlement Ececutive meeting@ Kazi Ngumu CBO,we resolved to; 1.Collective responsibility,and all Nyalenda SEC members not to engage in any KISIP like four members were enumarators, 2.-The chairman and secretary gave reports of state of affairs including enumarators training and members exhausted in discussion 3.Workplan,Members complained of poor communication and cordination,chairman explained the position to the satisfaction of members.It was clearly evident,Pamoja Trust,the KISIP consultant hadnt been open with the SEC,resulting in the situstion,members urged the office bearers to visit Kisumu County KISIP team and clear the mess and demand for a work plan to enable SEC plan for themselves 4. Training,the office bearers were urged in their meeting with KISIP they should discuss at length the training of SEC members,when and when should be answered 5. AOB,there been no any other bussiness,the secretary gave a vote of thanks for those who turned up,chairman encoursged members to continue volunteering and be ready to attend metings including voluntary ones.The meeting which started@ 2.30 pm ended@ 4.40pm with a word of prayer from Josphine Nyamieya. Thank you and report written and compiled by Brian Jobita,SECRETARY
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:00:52 +0000

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