Ying Chuang (ST-16) See picture. 4″ lateral to the midline of - TopicsExpress


Ying Chuang (ST-16) See picture. 4″ lateral to the midline of the chest, in the 3rd intercostal space, on the midclavicular line Good for the person who is unsympathetic, judgmental, who lacks empathy. Offering comfort, compassion- the person who is least receptive has the least love, is the one who needs love the most. Heart open, milk of human kindness flowing.Clears heat and resolves depression; relieves pain and disperses swelling. Fullness and pain in the chest. Cough, spasmodic cough at night; asthma, wheezing and dyspnea, short respiration, suffocating feeling; whooping cough; tracheitis; bronchitis. Burning feeling in the chest, inflamed esophagus; stomachache, bitter burps; intestinal pain, diarrhea. Has a direct affect on milk production, (Needle with patient sitting up.) Breasts- mammary glands; breasts too big (disperse); mastitis; abscess on chest, ulcer or carbuncle of breast; breast cancer. Swollen prostate. Effects hormones? ---------- Ru Zhong (ST-17) The nipple- considered to be in the 4th intercostal although this might not be the case Stimulation of energy, milk production. Forbidden for the treatment. ------------ Ru Gen (ST-18) 4″ lateral to the midline of the chest, in the 5th intercostal space, (one rib below nipple) Problems with energy and nourishment, not giving or receiving nourishment. Consider for people who have trouble with affection, caring. Anguish. Dispels stagnation; regulates the breast and lactation. Local point for breast problems, especially for women. Insufficient breast milk; mastitis; premenstrual breast swelling and discomfort; long menses. Chest fullness, cough, bronchitis; a feeling of suffocation and pain; energy does not descend; food causes choking. Cramps and weakness from cholera. ------------ Bu Rong (ST-19) 2″ lateral to the midline of the abdomen, 6″ above umbilicus and 2″ lateral to CV-14 CV=Conception Vessel point Transformation is not happening, the basic rhythms of life (sleeping, eating, menstruation etc.) are not functioning properly; uncomfortable in a physical way, cycles out of balance. Mentally restless, mind churning round and round, ideas which could nourish get stuck or rush through the mind with no effect; unable to resolve problems, internal agitation, obsessions. Unable or unwilling to take it all in, endless mental chewing. Lacking a solid connection to the ground of experience and therefore feeling uneasy, worried. Dysfunctional digestion, no transformation of experiences, not learning from past experiences, feeling guilty. Regulates the Center and harmonizes the stomach. Stomach pain; anorexia; stomach cancer. Nervous spasms; dry mouth, cough and dyspnea; angina of the chest; chest and back pain, endocarditis. Intestinal gas pains; worms. ----------- Cheng Man (ST-20) 2″ lateral to the midline of the abdomen (CV-13), 5″ above umbilicus A feeling of completeness, abundance and satisfaction. Some people never have this sense of being satisfied, their glass is always half empty. There is a hollow sense of emptiness – no meaning in life. Wallowing in self-pity, feelings of neediness; unable to receive. A point for those who are never satisfied in spite of the fact that they seem to have what they need. issues of self-esteem, transitional states. People who reject fullness i.e., food and nourishment; anorexia. Also for excess, filling the void with food, more and more stuff in an effort to compensate for that feeling of emotional emptiness. Gives a feeling that we have done our work – we have a right to rest and enjoy this life we are living. Irregular heartbeats from agitation or age. Problems at orgasm (nervous excess or weakness). Harmonizes the stomach and Rectifies qi; Transforms damp and phlegm in the Intestines. Illnesses of the stomach; stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting; abdominal distention; poor appetite, gastric pain, anorexia; rumbling intestines; difficulty swallowing; lack of appetite (cold in stomach), thready saliva, mucus; swollen abdomen; epigastrium- muscles hard and painful; peritonitis; diarrhea; jaundice. Dyspnea, sputum with thick phlegm/pus, shoulders moving up and down during breathing. Swollen extremities; whole body swollen; skin too painful to wear clothes. Problems which come from overeating; weak digestion; abdominal energy stagnation.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:00:08 +0000

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