You Are All Perfect As You Are! Ann Albers My dear friends, we - TopicsExpress


You Are All Perfect As You Are! Ann Albers My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are all so beautiful! Like ornaments on a tree, each one of you is unique, different, beautiful and in perfect form for each and every lesson you want to learn. You are souls in bodies, and your bodies are not only your vehicles but your teachers. Be kind to them. Take care of them. Treat them lovingly and nurture them in whatever way you please. Listen to their needs. Reshape them if you wish. Create bigger muscles or a smaller waist, but whatever you do, realize that you are so much more. You are nothing less than the light and love of God in the form of a beautiful human body. In our eyes, you are all perfect exactly as you are! Every wrinkle, every dimple, every freckle, every bit of thin or fat, every gray hair, big nose, crooked tooth.... you are perfect! Would you ask nature to look the same all the time? Not at all. The beauty in the forest or the ocean lies in its great diversity. So too with the human race. It is your diversity that makes you all so very special, precious, beautiful. Your body is a teacher, and it is shaped by the soul for the purpose of its expansion into greater awareness. Love what you think you cannot, and watch not only your body but also your awareness of love transform. The manger is your body. The light of Christmas is in your soul. The oil lamp is your body. The light that burns unceasingly is your soul. Let your light rise up within you simply by your intention. “Dear God today I want to experience the truth of my being.” Focus on your heart. Feel the love inside of it. Imagine you are that love, that light, simply shaped as a human being, interacting with other people who are also made of that light…whether they know it or not. Try just looking at life this way today… as if everyone, including you is a miraculous expression of love. Indeed you all are! The light of the season lives and breathes in, and through, each and everyone one of you. God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels Message From Ann I recently caught a little bug guy staring at his own reflection on the window. I bet he doesn’t sit and say to himself, “Am I too green? Why do I look like a leaf? My legs are too skinny. My nose is too big! He’s just looking at his own reflection with wonder. “Who is that? What is that?” The answer of course is the same no matter who or what form we look at... all forms are a manifestation of Gods love. Some know it more than others. The more I identify with this light, the happier my body becomes. As many of you reading this newsletter know, I have had more than my share of physical lessons over the years. When my spirit does not get my attention easily, eventually my body will! A broken foot and ripped tendon years ago taught me to slow down, take care of myself more, and live in greater balance. Parasites taught me where and when I was allowing other energies to usurp my own knowing and feeling. Twisted intestines showed me when I stuffed my fears and feelings years ago and now remind me to be extra kind to my body. As a result of these lessons Ive had a lot of practice identifying with myself as a soul in a body, rather than looking at the body and thinking thats me! I first remember doing this in high school. My first job was at a local fast food restaurant. I remember looking in the mirror and feeling what I perceived to be the indignity of being a 16 year old girl wearing rust brown colored polyester pants, glasses, braces, rubber bands across her teeth and a nice big button that said, Hi! Im a Big Mac Builder! I remember the day I decided I was not going to win friends with my looks, and so, as shy as I was, I decided I would have to use my personality! I remembering just making a decision that I would act outgoing and friendly, no matter how uncomfortable that was. To my surprise and delight, the other kids responded as if I really was! I recently thanked God that I have learned to identify with my soul more than my body, when I had to film the current Ann & the Angels series, looking like a walrus from the waist down! I had a twisted ileocecal valve the night before, and using everything I was about to teach, I managed a miraculous healing! By early morning I was untwisted, out of pain and ready to go! There was only one minor detail. I was still seriously larger than usual, and the only pants I fit into were the yoga shorts I brought in case I wanted to exercise! So there I was, in the studio, in front of a professional camera, in yoga shorts and nice tops! It became a joke before each episode that they had to film above the bloat line! I had to meet new guys who were helping film, and as well a few old friends who dropped by while I was looking my not-so-finest! In the past I would have been mortified, but after years of working with angels, I truly know Im a soul in a body. Furthermore, my soul had things to care about and share that were far more important than vanity or an uncomfortable appearance! So next time you start to criticize your appearance think of me looking like a little walrus in front of that camera and remind yourself, I am a soul! I am light! I am love! No matter what I look like, feel like, or am experiencing, that is the reality of who I am! Then let your light shine no matter how you feel you look! Let your love radiate outward from you. THAT is what is beautiful! The other day I was gazing for a dear young client, channeling Gods love in a big way. She surrendered to the love coming through my eyes and into her being, and suddenly she started seeing us both as big, bright lights until at long last she even saw through my light body to the door behind us… a little excursion into dimensions beyond the solid one. Something like that changes you - you can no longer pretend that this physical form is all we are. So, as you look yourself in the mirror today, bring love into the observation. Look into your eyes until you see the light of your soul burning brightly within them. It may take awhile to stop the self-criticisms that so many of us have adopted by habit, but when your mind is finally silent, you can look at yourself with the wonder and awe of a child beholding someone without a shred of judgment. Then you will see or feel that light and know this is what you truly are. You are all so beautiful - love shaped in billions of different forms! I Love you all! Have a blessed week. Ann Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, VisionsofHeaven
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:05:03 +0000

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