You The One Girl:14 Reasons He Can See Himself Marrying You Share - TopicsExpress


You The One Girl:14 Reasons He Can See Himself Marrying You Share it:Facebook7Google+0Twitter0Pinterest0 Men are predominantly “fun seekers.” They’ll engage in a relationship for a long time if it’s making them happy, even if it’s not with a woman they intend on marrying. Women, however, are more efficient in their dating. Typically if we know there’s something about a man that just won’t work out, we move on. But, since men don’t give us this same courtesy, how can you tell if he’s in it because you’re “the one” or just because you’re a fun one? Let us help. You share a sense of humor Life will not always be easy, happy or entertaining. But if a man knows that you and him, together, can find humor in the most mundane or even challenging of situations, he knows life will be a good ride with you by his side. It was comfortable from the beginning Men rely heavily on first impressions. Women would benefit from doing the same! Instead, we often give men a second, third, fourth…chance because he’s good on paper. But if a man instantly feels comfortable with and connected to you from date number one, he knows there is something special there. It shouldn’t have felt like work to develop chemistry, attraction or comfort Your nagging doesn’t feel like nagging When you insist he clean dishes, wash that t-shirt he hasn’t washed in months, or call his mother, it somehow doesn’t feel like nagging. Instead, he appreciates having a woman around who keeps him on his toes, and pushes him to be better. He can be a big baby around you Deep down, men are big babies. They just want to be coddled and nurtured. When a man feels truly safe and comfortable with you, he’ll shamelessly ask to be cuddled, he’ll ask you to make him feel better after a rough day, and he’ll even baby talk. His career improves because of you Having you in his life makes him feel complete, and that boosts his confidence, which in turn makes him do better at work. If a man is just soaring in his career after you come along, he notices. You do better at work because of him A man also wants to support your career, motivate you and energize you. Men can tell when their girlfriends become lazy or unmotivated in a relationship, and not only is that unattractive, it also doesn’t say much for compatibility. But if a man sees you soar when you’re together, he knows something about the mix of you and him equals success. He’s hurting when you’re hurting Often men will avoid you altogether if you’re upset—at them or otherwise. But when a man cannot ignore the fact that you’re hurting, and struggles to enjoy himself when you cannot, he knows the connection is strong. He can be gross around you He can fart, burp and wear his boxers with the holes in them around you. The driving force behind much of what men do is the desire to be comfortable, and if your presence instills a sense of comfort, that’s a very addicting thing for a man. You find him attractive, even when he’s falling apart Men have very fragile egos. If they lose their jobs, or feel emasculated in any way, they crawl into a hole. But if you do not seem the least bit put off by your man’s occasional downfalls, he knows you’re a keeper. His family and friends love you Nobody knows a man better than his buddies, and his family. If you meld right into his social and family circles like you were just meant to be there, he is able to envision a life with you. He wouldn’t change a thing (at least nothing major) about you Sure you have quirks and flaws, but nothing he couldn’t live with. If a man knows that every part of your personality and character is something he would happily be around every single day, he’ll hear wedding bells. Talk of marriage doesn’t scare him Everybody gets a little cold feet when they imagine “forever.” But if a guy can already imagine and even speak of a potential wedding with you, without feeling a sense of dread, he’s not letting you go. Other women proposition him, and he’s not interested Noticing that other women are attractive, and maybe even that there is compatibility there, is one thing. But if a man is not the least bit tempted to be with another woman when the option is on the table, you’re someone he could consider having a forever with.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:59:55 +0000

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