You add him on Facebook . He checks your pictures . He confirms . - TopicsExpress


You add him on Facebook . He checks your pictures . He confirms . He inboxes you . You reply , all excited . Youll want to hook up . Set a date . You dress up , smell good , make up on , fresh breath & new weave . He takes you for lunch to Primi . You two have a good time . He rubs your hand , makes you laugh , gives you a looks and smiles . You fall inlove . Its like youve known him forever . He takes you to his apartment . He makes you feel comfortable And lays you on his bed . He rubs it gently , kiss you passionately . Unzip your jeans , theyre too tight but he manages to take em off . You love his aggresion , strength , power & you give in . It feels good . You its wrong , but it feels good . You ask for protection , he says its too late . You obey & dont disturb . He says he loves you & you dont hesitate to say you love him too . He pulls out , go to the kitchen to get a glass of water . He helps you drink it , ohh man . You feel special . He must be the one , you think to yourself . Youll get dressed . He takes you to the taxi rank & kisses you on the cheeck & say I had a great time , you smile & say See you tomorrow babe . He stays silent . You drive away , in the taxi you cant stop smiling . You get home & inbox him that you got home safe . He is online , but doesnt reply . Its unlike him , so you inbox him again . He doesnt respond. Minutes later you cant find him on your friend list . HE BLOCKED YOU . Days , weeks , months passes by . You start feeling sick , weak , loose weight , act strange with sores in your mouth . You go to the clinic . Get tested . Minutes later , nurse walks in . Im sorry . Youre HIV Postive . HOW ? You dont understand . Reality hits you . You walk home . Scared . Confused . You go to the train railway . You lay ,hopeless , emotionless . You see the train coming nearer . You look into the sky & pray . BOOM ! Thats the end of you . Dont be that girl ! Live wise !
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:14:08 +0000

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