You are a part of The Creator that is The Source of all Creation. - TopicsExpress


You are a part of The Creator that is The Source of all Creation. Be wary of the thoughts you think and the words you speak, for within you is the spiritual essence that gives what you say and what you think the power to create your destiny. Examine the beliefs you hold as well as the opinions held by those who raised you and those who have influenced you. When your mind was young and even today, when it is unguarded (like when you are reading, making social conversation, or watching films), you do not always think to counteract the opinions of others. The opinions of those who raised you and those who influence you because you admire them OR fear them are often absorbed by the subconscious as subconscious programs you are not even aware you have. Such programs are part of the automatic programming that affects the emotions and drives the behavior that affects your life. Make it a habit to erase from your mind the conscious and subconscious thoughts that resist or restrain your greatness. Some of these negative thoughts you may know. Others are those you suspect you have or could have. Because this process requires a state of highly focused concentration, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. State aloud the negative thought or the belief you want to make sure is not part of your subconscious programming. Then say aloud, This may be true for some, it is not true for me. I erase this thought from my mind now and replace it with (state the positive thought you wish to put in its place). Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Let your eyes float gently up as high as is comfortable and take another deep breath. Now focus your eyes beneath your lids on a spot in the lower middle of your forehead. Now think or state aloud, Open to the programming center of my mind. Imagine the blackness you see in your mind is the blackboard of your mind. Imagine this blackboard is the place you go to direct the programming level of your subconscious mind. Now imagine that written on this blackboard is the negative thought or belief you choose not to have. (If you dont see this, just imagine it is there. It works just the same.) Now imagine you are erasing this thought from the blackboard of your mind with big eraser. Actually moving your eyes side to side (without moving your head) as you erase this thought is very effective. If you like, lift up your hand and move it as though you are erasing the board while following the shadow of your moving hand with your eyes (keeping your head still). . Now, imagine you are writing the positive thought you chose to replace the negative on the blackboard of your mind. When you are done, raise your eyes up and down (while keeping the head still) and say the positive thought aloud, followed by, This is my truth. If you wish to hasten this process, keep a list of all the negative beliefs you think you might have picked up in your past. As you erase each one from the blackboard of your mind, cross it off your list. Never do more than one at a sitting as this is not effective when you are doing this process yourself. If a hypnotist is doing this erasing for you, several can be done at one time.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:21:19 +0000

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