You are all that was, all that is and all that will be! You are - TopicsExpress


You are all that was, all that is and all that will be! You are where you are right now because of your actions or in actions, and only the successful will admit it. While it’s difficult to accept, the statement is indisputable. You create your own destiny with the choices that you make and what you are right now is the sum total of the decisions that you made yesterday. Events that are good or bad happen in your environment however you make the decision on how to interpret the events. While some people get angry when it rains, the farmers celebrate, the romantic view it as “bmw” (don’t tell you lil sister or bro what this is), some cultures view it as a sign of peace and no matter how you perceive it, it is just rain. You are a creator! You create your own destiny based on the decision you have made previously and the collections of memories in your head. Your convictions, beliefs and ideas shape how you create the life that you live. The great book in Genesis 1:26 says ‘Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. (I think the next verse was supposed to say anything that is making you feel bad about being a creator beyond this must be ignored, lol). Harness your power and rise above the challenges of your past. Create your new path now and live a life of abundance. Ask yourself, “What do you want?” Be certain that the response is stated in a positive manner. Do not say I don’t want to be in debt or I want to get out of debt, if the outcome you want is stated in a negative manner or includes the problem, all you creative energy will be dedicated to growing the problem in order to make you reach a certain level. Your creative mind doesn’t know negative or positive. It responds to your commands and mobilises resources to make it happen. So instead be clear that you want financial wealth and be specific about the amount and currency. If you say you want to be a millionaire it is not clear. A million Zim$ will make you a millionaire however the value is less than rand (ZAR 1) but you are still a millionaire, so be specific. The second question that will make this compelling is “Why do you want it?” The reason behind why you want what you want, is as important as the reason and the same thing applies, if it’s not positive and excludes positive emotions, Its will not be realised or brought to life positively. This is why procrastination occurs. Our mind and bodies are set up to avoid anything that brings us pain. You are powerful beyond measure, a master of your own destiny. You need to clearly define what you want your purpose in life to be and have ABSOLUTE FAITH IN YOURSELF. Once you have done this, you will know that Success is your only option! Yours in success Tshepang Mokgatla For coaching and speaking services email: Tshepangmokgatla@yahoo
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:29:29 +0000

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