You are one of the greatest human beings that I have ever had the - TopicsExpress


You are one of the greatest human beings that I have ever had the pleasure of keeping in my life. We did not date and we did not love each other right away in the beginning, but I realize now how amazing that is because as I got to know you more, I began to fall in love with you so deeply that even I cannot comprehend it sometimes. And that is good because as I grew up, I stopped believing that love could just happen as soon as you meet someone. No, I know that real love takes time and experience and memories to truly be felt. I realize that true love, soul-deep love happens with time, not before. And this love that I feel for you, only gets deeper and changes every single day to levels that I keep thinking this is it, I cannot love this person anymore than I already have, but I do and it just keeps going further. God send you at the right moment and I dont regret anything because every single thing that has ever happened to me, has only brought me closer to you. No man can ever, ever reach the same level as you or your level of maturity, love and kindness. The way you love me and have taken care of me, no one can ever come even close to that. No one can ever love me the way you do and I can never love anyone the way I love you. And if anything were ever to happen to you....... Truly God blessed me. Our personalities are so different, yet that is what draws and attracts me to you. And yet we are so alike on every decision we have to make about our life. I love how our home is our little love nest where we can make our own history. I love how so many people wonder why we still havent had a baby yet and some even think it is because we cant, still you and I are always on the same page about all the big things in life. Only you deeply understand the pressure I have been under with school and only you were with me through every step. My heart smiles every time I am around you. I miss you even when you are sitting right next to me. And I call you randomly crying and telling you how happy and scared I am because there are times when my heart feels like it is bursting from love for you. I prayed and prayed for someone like you, and I was blessed to get you as a gift. I know that God gives us what we need in our life, not what we want because sometimes what we want in this life, is not good for us. I fall in love with you more and more every single day. And I literally thank god daily for sending you to me. Thank you for being my best friend and my husband. Thank you for being patient with me and loving me without conditions. Thank you for bringing out the best in me and not the worst. My whole life I always wanted someone who could completely understand me without me having to explain anything and I found that in you. I still find it amazing that whenever I am sad, happy, angry, frustrated, anxious, excited or hyper, you get it. I could be at my lowest or highest point and I dont need to explain anything to you because you get my heart. Thank you for loving me so much that I never feel need of anything. I love how we both get so excited about buying stuff for our house, even if it is something as simple as a bathroom curtain. I know this is because we are truly happy with each other. I love that we have plans for having our own house one day and having kids and imagining them around us. I love watching Harry Potter with you and I even love getting sick because you are there to take care of me and to watch Harry Potter with me. I love how funny, passionate, loving, and relaxed our relationship is. We can always make fun of each other and laugh. I love your smile and the dimple on your left cheek which you did not know existed until I told you how much I loved it. Truly you were made for me and I for you. You just loved me and you never cared about what anyone said or whatever happened, you just knew me and I never had to say anything. I could just look at you in pain and you would know what to do or say. You understand my crazy/fun/weird side and I love that I can be myself around you. You have never, ever made me feel like I have to pretend to be someone else with you and I have never had to try hard in order to get your love. You are my husband, my man, and I love that you do act like a man. I love that I feel so protected around you, even if I dont need protection. I love that you can be my strength when I just dont have any left in me. My chaos ends when you are near me. And all you have to do is hug me and I just forget every single bad thing that has ever happened to me. You have taught me so much about people and life and the whole world and I thank you for that. I also thank you for using a language that I understand which is of kindness, love and patience and that is something I can respond to. I am so thankful to have a husband that prays with me and we can take turns to wake each other up for morning prayer. This is what I asked for before I even knew you, to have a husband who truly loved Allah swt the same way I do. Thank you for being the yin to my yang. Thank you for calming me down when I need it and for carrying my love and happiness with you at all times. Thank you for understanding my random bursts of hyperness and knowing exactly what type of cheese to get me. Thank you for letting me complain so much about school, and really complain in general haha. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah ئيمة كيانيكين لة دوو جةستةدا وةك شيعر و ئاواز لة يةك بةستةدا هيج كةس ناتواني ليكمان كاتةوة مةكةر خوا بؤ خؤي بمانباتةوة Chanda jwana lagal to da bun Katek la durawa badit dakam Chanda lam jwana zindagi Ay taqana trin andishay naw xayali mn Ay nasktrin mrovi ruy zawi Mn damaweyt la naw dastakanm da panat bm Damawey lagal to da 3ashq bazi bkam La to da mn dubara ashna dabmawa ba hiwakan La to da mn dubara Shi3r bo 3ashq danusm Dema lat Lawe la durawa la hamu bani adame Dasti yak dagrin baraw parkakani awin.. Lawe aw namana bxweninawa ka goriwmanatawa gulm Sairi aw wenana dakain ka sardamaneka Bo yaktriman nardua gyanakam Mn datwanm be bezari ta abad lat danishm Datwanm la ro7t da aw 7azana badi bkam Ka salaneka xafa kra bun To dubara Shi3rm pe danasitawa Lagal toda Dubara la manakani hawreyati dagam Ay aw Kuray ta abadi hawreyatit dakam 7az nakam zaman wa ba xeray ba jeman bhele Damawe chand sadayak Xoshm bweyt Ay gulala surakay tamani mn Ka la toda dabm hast ba buni 3ashq dakam Hawrekanm wn dabn Tanha la new albumakanda damennawa Ballam mn tom la ro7m da halgrtwa Boya har dam wak jwan trin gul lalat damenmawa... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! — and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:37:42 +0000

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