You can Be, Do, or Have anything you want. Want to know how, its - TopicsExpress


You can Be, Do, or Have anything you want. Want to know how, its very simple. In order to change your life all you have to do is change your thinking. There is a law, just like the law of gravity. It is called the law of attraction this is a real law not imaginary. It is scientifically proven. This law states that like frequencies attract like frequencies. Through recent studies of Quantum String Theory it is proven that everything in the universe is a symphony of frequencies vibrating throughout everything. This is important because you are a vibrating frequency and what you are vibrating is what you are going to attract, it is a Law. So in order to change your life you have to change your frequency. So how do you change your frequency? Your frequency is determined by your beliefs. Your beliefs are stored in your genes. It is scientifically proven that genes are products of your environment watch the videos I have posted. Genes are products of environment also known as a stimulant. So a stimulant changes your genes that than changes your frequency that then changes what you get in your life! What is the stimulant? the stimulant is your environment, or the Perception of your environment. Since all information is processed through your command centre, through your brain, you have a filter between your environmental stimulus and the cells receptors. This is your brain, or Perception. Therefore you can change your stimulus by perceiving things differently which than changes how your genes react which changes the frequency and finally changes what you get in your life through law of attraction. You can Be, Do, or Have anything you want in life by changing your perception or your thinking. Contact me for more information
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 06:21:05 +0000

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