You can all get a guideline for your nutrition and it will help - TopicsExpress


You can all get a guideline for your nutrition and it will help you lose weight, but everyone is different and the diet will work for only so long, then needs to be changed with activity levels or if you stop losing weight. I dont count my calories anymore, because I learned how to understand and how it feels when Im ready to eat. Choose your food wisely. Once you get the calorie intake that’s right for you, you have to make sure you are eating the right foods at the right time. Pay attention to how foods make you feel. It’s not the 5 minute pleasure of taste, it’s the right food with energy to make you feel good to accomplish your day. Pick foods that are more filling for you calorie intake. ** If you are not hungry, do not eat. Just because it’s been 3 hours without a meal doesnt mean you have to eat. If you can go another hour or more than do so. . Unless you are going to do workout then have something to get you through your training You want to keep you energy up for WO. If you not hungry and it has been hours or your just getting that pang, go for banana, fruit or energy bar. Very low activity less than 30 min activity walking, very over weight and cant move fast or fragile Depend of activity day is depending on calories. Woman 1000,1200 calories. Men 12000-1500 Teen Girls 1500-2000 Teen boys 2000-2500 Moderate activity getting out and doing 1 hour vigorous activity. Woman 1200-1500 Men 1500-2000 Teen Girls 2,000-2500 Teen Boys 2,500-3000 High intense activity Runners, high cardio activity, sports, marathons. Woman 1500-2000 + Men 2k-25k + Teen Girls 25k 3k + Teen Boys 3k-4k+ You can start on a guideline, if it isnt working, You need to change your calories or, move faster Look at the food you eat and the times you eat it. Eat less complex carbs in the eve. Eat small meals, no big over filling meals. If you look at The Fit Cage Challenge I don’t have starches past a certain hour and if I have any high energy food later in the day it’s because of high intense training will follow. If you have a high activity level and high metabolism can consume calories. Keep the sodium level down. Most foods have enough. If you add sodium you will retain water which will add weight. In colder climate we tend to put a few pounds on we can’t let go, because we don’t sweat as much. Weighing yourself all the time will drive you nut, especially if you started weight training. You have to figure the muscle factor that you will be increasing. The true science behind it is you. Live it, learn it, feel it. Saturday is my chosen day to have fun stuff, however that will changed during the holidays, I will obviously choose the holiday to enjoy with everyone.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:53:32 +0000

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