You claim genetics is to blame for obesity. I chalenge you to - TopicsExpress


You claim genetics is to blame for obesity. I chalenge you to prove it. While you are researching this theory I offer a cure. I am not the founder of this cure however. Not only has my research been proven to cure obesity, but it has been proven to cure many things such as diabetes, depression, in some cases cancer, common cold, frequent headaches and the list goes on and on. This research has been available to Americans for over 50 years however it has been banned for practice in government funded treatment facilities (Polotics). Private practice has been discouraged from using it and is not authorized to make prescriptions based from it. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the cure. The cure to maintaining your health is (drum roll please), living healthy. I know what you are thinking… The guy you see going to the gym everyday was just diagnosed with diabetes. Please don’t take my comment out of context. When I say Living Healthy I am talking about something much more deeper than one or two things you may do ‘Healthy;’ I am talking about (not limited to) eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping, talking, reading, blinking, typing, standing, sitting, praying and anything pertaining to your very existance on Earth. If eating food that has been chemically altered is not concern for you, then please explain why a few lines of cocain a day is. IJS. Please feel free to comment. Those of you who know me understand my open mind contrary to this post (please prove me wrong because I used to love my ruffle potatoe chips). Like if you agree. Comment if you dare. Only share if you are up for the challenge. I am on staff duty for a unit that no longer exist. I will be following this post for at least 9 more hours.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 21:55:12 +0000

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