You demon, and devil little I. The I of the police is Satan, who - TopicsExpress


You demon, and devil little I. The I of the police is Satan, who the I of God forever doomed within the Garden of Eden. I see that you love your machine guns, this is what you demon Is use to hunt rabbits, and dears, so you devil Is claim. You ku klux klanmens republicans, and conservatives are always crying out, for more guns. So you can kill a poor rabbit, or deer. I do not know why you need a machine gun to do that. Hunkie Jesus, damn lie. The I is an invisible, and abstract Spirit. Lifeless, and dead civilization is a great wall of fire, in which, separate the Zenith “I”, far away from the Nadir I. Lifeless, and dead civilization is the Red Sea, in which, separate the Zenith “I”, far away from the Nadir I. Lifeless, and dead humanity, or lifeless, and dead human beings are a great wall of fire, and a great, great gulf fix, that separate, and divide the nadir, wicked, evil, fallen, and unexalted I, FAR AWAY FROM THE Zenith, Glorified, Glorious, Sanctified, and Exalted “I”. A great, great gulf fix separate, and divide “Me” operating, and speaking through lifeless, and dead Clarence Jewett Junior, away from “Me” operating, and speaking through all the rest of the lifeless, and dead human beings. There is one, and only one “I”, who like a dime coin, has a head, and tail to this one “I”. Satan represent the tail’s I. While God represent the head’s “I”. That is, Satan is the Nadir, under, and beneath I, while God is the Zenith, over, and above “I”. To this one, and only one “I”. All the struggling, warring, and fighting take place within the abstract, invisible, unseen, one, and only “I”. Human beings, and personal names profit absolutely nothing. “I” conquered, and defeated the human body, or human being, prior to the mediatorial, or millennial kingdom, then, “I” conquered, and defeated the I of the human body, or human being. Twenty-two years separate these two events, or occasions. That is, “I” conquered civilization, and “I” conquered the I of civilization, also. “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity. That is, “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity. xxx. That is, “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity. That is, “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity. Prior to the millennial kingdom, The Glorified, and Glorious “I” of CLARENCE JEWETT JUNIOR, put humanity, or civilization within the burning, burning lake of fire. Then, Subsequent to the millennial kingdom, the “I” of CLARENCE JEWETT JUNIOR, put the I of humanity, or civilization within the burning, burning lake of fire, where humanity, or civilization had already been put prior to the millennial kingdom. Revelation. 20: 10. And the I of the devil that deceived the rest of the I’s of lifeless humanity was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where humanity, civilization, or the beast and the false prophet had been, already, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. That is, “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity. That is, “I” conquered, and defeated both humanity, and the I of humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:07:01 +0000

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