You ever watch movies like Air Force One or some other patriotic - TopicsExpress


You ever watch movies like Air Force One or some other patriotic movie about our country and its president and wonder why we dont have leaders like that? I realize thats Hollywood, but wouldnt it be wonderful if we had a leader that was traditional, strong, God-fearing and respected? A man that could rally a whole country! The first president I really remember was Carter, but Reagan - when I was high school - He was a man. I remember listening to his speeches. We believed in our country! I remember George H. Bush, the gulf war, the feeling of American Pride (if you will). Those men are few and far between. The man that holds the office of presidency now is a sorry excuse for a leader. Frankly, all he has done is damage this country. I also believe that our armed forces today are ashamed of their Commander in Chief. In this country we are given the right not only to elect our leaders, but to criticize them. I condemn with the strongest possible terms the actions of our current president. I believe he is a secular man, godless in his actions and frankly, un-American in thought and deed. Maybe one day, we can look back at these times and things will be better. May God help this nation, and may He continue to show mercy on this nation.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 02:41:26 +0000

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