You guys are freaking incredible. Out of the 1862 people who - TopicsExpress


You guys are freaking incredible. Out of the 1862 people who actually get updates from my page, 1700+ of you actually saw my newest post. At least Facebook is doing something right. Heres a teaser from my upcoming novel, Learning to Live: Copyright © 2015 Krista Pakseresht. All rights reserved. She continues to nibble on her bottom lip, and I can’t take it anymore. I know she said we need to take a step back, but right now, in this moment, I can’t for the life of me, remember why. Not when things feel so right with her. I slide my arm off of her shoulder, and brush the back of my hand gently across her cheek. “You have no idea how badly I’ve been wanting to kiss you all night.” Her face falls. “You know we can’t.” I continue my stare down with her. “Who says that? I mean is it an actual law or do you not want to kiss me?” She shakes her head dismissively. “You know it’s not that easy.” “Who’s to say it can’t be?” I ask. “I want to kiss you…do you want to kiss me?” “Topher…” she says gently, taking her bottom lip once again between her teeth. I place my mouth right by her ear and whisper, “kiss me.” I can feel her shudder from this, but she doesn’t move. “Kiss me,” I order again, but this time I let my hot breath trail down her neck, and I watch in fascination as her skin rises with bumps. “Topher,” she says, softer this time. I can tell she is losing her resolve. I press my lips gently to her neck, and I hear her moan softly. But she doesn’t ask me to stop. “I think I’m falling in love with you…” she says so softly I have to strain to hear every word. I pull back, looking deeply into her blue eyes. “Stop fighting it.” I move my lips within inches of hers. If she says a word, our lips will graze against one another’s. I hear her gasp lightly. “We shouldn’t…” she says, but her mouth does the complete opposite. She closes her lips upon mine gently, and once I know I’ve gotten the okay, I kiss her with everything I have. I slide my tongue slowly across her lips until she opens up, and allows me access inside. Until our tongues meet one another’s in a sensual dance. I slip my hand behind her head, within her hair, massaging her lightly with my fingers.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:00:25 +0000

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