You guys mind if I speak freely? Conflict to me is a good thing so - TopicsExpress


You guys mind if I speak freely? Conflict to me is a good thing so Ill move fwrd. Sometimes it is good to embrace conflict in fact this is how we evolve. Im home for two days and couldnt be happier when intentions are honest. And because I have empathy for humans. All humans Im not degrading this person but in hopes they will hear me and take the knowledge that has helped me in my 28 years and use it. What Im about to share in this status is what Fuels me, makes me truly feel alive and empowers me. Again I have empathy for all. Trust me ALL people. I understand everyone has pressures. We all have drama specific to our own lives so I always take into consideration what others are experiencing but some advice 1. happiness. We are in control of our happiness. We determine the degree of fullness we feel. Dont allow others to regulate this. Our mind is a powerful tool. Take advantage of this fact. It can be trained like a machine. If its been years and you constantly find yourself blaming others for past issues its time to change your mind. Change your mindset and change your life. 2. let go. This is one I have trouble with myself but I have gotten a lot better this past year. Dont update about it. Dont talk to your friends about it. Sharing the specifics only brings up more anger and anxiety. Understand the issue. Come to terms with it and let it go forever. 3 be Strong. Dont be a victim and Stop making excuses. Yes this seems harsh and well it is. But you know what else is harsh. Living this temporary life in a disastrous way. Dont waste another day - constantly refresh yourself it will get easier to do. Why Im able to understand this concept: Watching a loved ones body fail them slowly and to pass so gracefully puts everything into perspective. Life is fleeting but it is still a beautiful thing. Leave a legacy worth speaking about long after your time here on earth is over. And dont get me wrong painful experiences have made us who we are but thats it. Allow it to shape you not ruin you. Allow yourself to go to that uncomfortable region. Evaluate yourself. Dont be afraid to change and learn- Experience and get to know yourself. I always wanted to stay the person I was until life made me adapt and that is what has made the man standing here today. Now this is a long update but if you made it to the end I appreciate it. It means you are with me on this journey and for that Im grateful. for the situation Im speaking about its irrelevant but if these comments helped anyone else just for the day.. I did a good thing. Again This is what Ive learned and I post in hopes to help others. It honestly comes from the heart. Do everything from the heart.-BenzSayz
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 06:40:38 +0000

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