You have all heard of the EGO-STRUCTURE. This ego represents your - TopicsExpress


You have all heard of the EGO-STRUCTURE. This ego represents your own creative psychic manufacture of the SELF you are choosing to become. At any now spacious-moment it is a mirror replica of your idea of yourself in your relation to your environment predicated on your understanding of the nature of reality. But this EGO-PSYCHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE does not represent all that composes your personal identity within 3-Dimensional Reality. As you have an ego, which is fully conscious, directed toward the physical world, you have what we may call another , which is the [ INNER-EGO ] , which is directed toward inner reality. We call these inner and outer egos for purposes of discussion and convenience, because they are inseparable, or one unitary ego. You have, in other words, a portion of yourself that is fully conscious in another medium of consciousness which we may call FRAMEWORK 2. The Conscious Mind is not simply limited to neither time, space, nor is it imprisoned by matter. The ego in the ordinary physical world of waking reality is capable of dealing with physical reality in what we will call FRAMEWORK 1. This ego manipulates with rules of cause and effect and consecutive moments in time and space. It deals with objectified reality. It can stretch its capacities, becoming far more aware of inner events than you normally allow it to do, simply because of your current beliefs in our human evolution of consciousness, but the primary purpose at this stage of conscious development is to deal with the world of effects, to encounter events. ~*~ AGAIN :) This kind of information is important for humanity to understand and appreciate so that you will not continue to assault your own human consciousness in the manner many are currently guilty of by defining the ego structure as negative based upon FEAR and the distrust of the inner self, feelings, emotions , dreams and impulses, and the total absence of any true appreciation of intuitions, telepathy, clairvoyance and the Inner Senses ; which unfortunately is prevalent in Western Culture. This inner ego is FULLY CONSCIOUS. It is a portion of the ETERNAL INDESTRUCTIBLE VALID DIVINE SOUL and it represents that portion of the conscious MIND that you think of as the subconscious. The soul, or entity, has endowed each human personality with faculties, abilities,powers of creativity which our current limited false beliefs and misconceptions makes it all seem like pure esoteric drivel. But we have seen individuals such as Budhha and Christ who used their conscious mind and all of their faculties in such a manner that normal human beings believed they were not normal ordinary human beings. Nothing could be further from the truth. You cannot use not take advatage of your own present point of power if you are too FEARFUL and DISTRUSTFUL of the SELF which you are as Co-creators and/or multidimensional spiritual personalities. In learning to TRUST YOURSELF, and in learning to use these potentials, and in learning to rediscover your personal relationships with the inner-self-soul-entity, your three dimensional personality raises still further the level of achievement, comprehension and creativity. You must cast aside your fear, and you must examine your system of beliefs and drop your suppose profundity and realize that most of what you believe is not and cannot be true. If what you believed were true you would have become another like CHRIST, you would become like BUDHHA. To the extent, therefore, you cast aside your fears of the so-called negatives, and allow yourself to embrace all of existence allowing the intuitions and your sacred impulses to become your guidelines, and allow the knowledge of the soul or multidimensional self to flow through your conscious self, to that extent not only do you perform your role in this DRAMA/PLAY better and more effectively, but you add new energy, insights and creativity to the entire dimension of reality. You have the knowledge of your entire multidimensional personality at your own fingertips, however, you must learn to trust yourself. You must become your own authority. You must realize that the ONLY MASTER OF GOD YOU WILL EVER EXPERIENCE IS WITHIN YOU ETERNALLY. Your life is your own and you create your own reality. There is no other rule. Though forms matter and your thoughts transformed into beliefs feeling emotions and expectations cause everything which you shall ever experience in any reality. Knowing this is the secret of all creativity. Namaste :)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:12:04 +0000

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