You have heard it said that politics is a necessary evil, but I - TopicsExpress


You have heard it said that politics is a necessary evil, but I say to you that it is only made evil by those who wish to use it to make themselves masters over men. Evil cannot, must not be necessary , those who say such things advertise their ignorance, or disguise their inner corruption. By claiming that politics is evil is to surrender the domain to darkness, by claiming it is necessary, is therefore to engage in a futile exercise. If it is necessary, it must be good, if it is evil it is redundant. It is written, either make the tree good and its fruit likewise good or An evil tree cannot produce good fruit. If the political tree is evil, it can only produce poisoned fruit. If the tree is evil, lay an axe to the root, dig it up and throw it on the fire. Plant anew the ancient mustard seed. You have heard it said that evil prevails in the world, but i say to you that that power is passing away, the day is coming, and now is that light eclipses darkness, good overtakes evil, that you will search for the “necessary”evil and not find it, you will see and understand that the only necessity is the good. You have heard it said that the general condition will decay, and that evil will triumph and only be defeated after He returns, but I say to you that he is imminent in us, that His law is alive in hearts and minds, succeeding in every successive generation to establish an increase of His government. You have heard it said that the anti-christ is coming, but I say to you that the spirit of anti-christ has been at large in this world since the beginning and is now in retreat before the growth of the kingdom of Heaven. You have regarded anti-christ as a necessary evil, but I show you a better way, a more perfect way. You have heard that it was said that the kingdom is not of this world, but i say to you that while the source of the Kingdom is spiritual, the manifested outworking is observed in time, history and geography.It is not an immediately observable discontinuous singular revolutionary event. It has been breaking forth in the earth , coming into the earth, growing in maturity since its birth in Him. You have heard that it’s been said that the best we can do is pluck souls from a lost and dying world, but I say to you that our task is not to rescue a few lost souls, but engage all of life and transform the world of every man. You have heard that it was said that a new Dark age is dawning, but I say to you that the Righteous will burn brighter and brighter, enlightening every evil place until the darkness is extinguished. You have heard it said that it may be time to go underground, but I say to you that we have been invisible for too long, it is time to let the light of your good works shine with a blazing and blinding intensity. Do not be overcome by the “necessary”evil, but overcome evil with more and greater good works. You have heard it said that we are to obey the governing authorities, but I say to you that the authorities are only to be obeyed in that sphere in which they have been given authority from above and not in those areas wherein it falsely assumes authority.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 03:55:17 +0000

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