You know, I complain about my son distracting me from writing, but - TopicsExpress


You know, I complain about my son distracting me from writing, but Joe is out of town, and Im writing every day... hmm... whofic/viewstory.php?sid=54289&chapter=2 Latitudes, a Nine/Rose/Ten AU Reunion Fic Chapter Two: Cracking Time Rose shrugged on her jumping jacket and zipped in. Its leather thick but pliable, it was a dazzling shade of purple-cum-indigo, all zippers and high fashion for Pete’s World at the time. Rose wanted something bad-ass to gird her ribcage, and her heart, while she put them both on the line, ripping holes in the universe, searching for him. Then there were the eye-popping body-hugging velvet tops, the bespoke boots, the designer jeans, the oversized gold gypsy hoops. Word got around Torchwood: “She jumps in ‘er night-clubbing clobber!” “Have to look presentable when I save the universe, yeah?” she would explain. It was time for another go. Roses stomach growled noisily; she had eaten nothing for twelve hours, as dimension cannon was an immensely nauseating way to travel. Jake laughed. Hope they got a chippie on the corner when you land, he said. It was only Jake and Mickey with her. They were the only ones allowed in these few minutes before she left out, at her own request. Not because they were experts, far from it, but these moments were hard on her, and she knew her nerves would not support a bunch of engineers bustling about. Torchwood’s Trans-Dimensional Cannon team would just have to find a way to monitor things from another room. She had her two button-pushers, and thats all she wanted. Jake because he was silly, he kept things light. Mickey because he was the only one in this universe who really understood where they came from, what she had been through. If she never made it back, if the stars finished going out one by one before she could contact the Doctor and find a solution, she wanted Mickey there with her as near the end as possible. Pete had wanted them to jump together, originally, her and Mick. He was a big believer in the buddy system, a leftover from his Scouting days, evidently. But the Director of Torchwood had to finally bow to the evidence their scientists were giving them that the dimension cannon could only take one person at time. More than that, and the holes they were punching in their universe would get beyond safety parameters. Though using the words dimension cannon and safe together was problematic: this enterprise was in no way safe, for anyone, in any number. If the sky had not been going dark they would have never risked the trauma of trans-dimensional travel. They knew it was cracking the carapace of space-time, and though, theoretically, disturbances limited below a certain threshold would naturally right themselves, they could never be sure how the cannon would perform in the field. Certainly the more jumps Rose made, the more of a statistical chance there was for something surprising to occur, and not in a good way. Rose was well aware that the possibility of seeing her Doctor again, to touch him, hear his voice, feel the warmth of him pressed to her in the reuniting embrace she had obsessively fantasised since the day the cannon was proposed, that possibility was merely appended to their need to stop all of existence from being snuffed out like a candle-flame. This was not about her finding her lost love. It was about saving this galaxy, maybe even the entire universe, she told herself. Still, she could not stop her heart from beating wildly, or keep herself from grinning madly, eyes wide with joy, as she crouched down now on the polished concrete floor and heard Jake flicking open the safety lid on the cannon’s controls. “Oi, Annie Oakley,” Mickey handed Rose an absurdly large plasma rifle. “Don’t forget your gun.” “Thanks, Mick,” Rose smiled, flinging the strap over her shoulder. She looked at Jake, poised at the controls, and gave one, short, nod. She was ready. “Mind the universe while I’m gone, all right, boys–“ and the flash of brilliant blue streaking light took her along with her words, toward whatever destination fate might have in store.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:22:33 +0000

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