You know, I dont post often, but I do feel the need to post this - TopicsExpress


You know, I dont post often, but I do feel the need to post this that I saw one of my friends post. Its an article about Joseph Smith and the recent articles about him. I dont broadcast (and many probably will bear accord that my conduct couldnt be more opposite) but I admire Joseph Smith, and even look to him as an example and someone I want to pattern my life after. Of the reading Ive done about him, the themes that are reoccurring time after time are his charitable nature, his divine calling, and his imperfections. To some, it may not seem like that big of a task, but to me Im always impressed when I read doctrine and covenants, and the Lord chastises (and follows with love), and points out flaws in Joseph Smith. Millions of people have read these, and theyre still being read almost 200 years later. To me, this is daunting, Im not sure Id like people reading my weaknesses and mistakes hundreds of years later, and by millions of people. To me, one of the things that appeals most about Joseph are his imperfections, and with those imperfections he was still able to do a tremendous work for the Lord, he was and continues to be a mighty instrument in His hands in bringing about the love of God to people. Somehow when I look at his mistakes, I think, if he can be used as an instrument in the Lords hands with all of his mistakes and follies, then surely I can too. This article is well written, logical, and talks of faith and reason, what it says, I too echo. I encourage everyone to read it at your leisure.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:37:05 +0000

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