You know..I get so many comment on here...thanking me for evoking - TopicsExpress


You know..I get so many comment on here...thanking me for evoking good memories..from the past.childhoods that have been long gone....that was my intention...when starting was helping me with the loss of my mom...and trying to keep the memories alive...things always happen for a reason..I do believe that...its what is meant to coincidences in life....just the way it is...I have thought about making this a blog...but dont think thats what I want to do....what I set off to achieve......I love the feedback..the immediate feedback..the comments...and sometimes ..I we all go through our each persons lives are..if they are having good days or bad days..what they are dealing with....I get some comments that make me wonder...and its not my business but it makes me life we all have our own story... a journey..sometimes that journey is smooth and has a lot of twists and turns and definitely a lot of bumps...but we all get through it...well hopefully we all has had its ups and downs for me also..I always try to keep a good attitude..sometimes its hard...but as I get older..I am learning what really is important in be surrounded by family and friends..who are loving and supportive..not to be around people who are negative and say hurtful things......and as I am sitting here..on this very dreary, depressing rainy day...thinking bout a lot of things...I am feeling very blessed....and this came to me to post these few little lines ..a very, very dear person in my life..wrote to me...when I was not in a good place...and maybe somebody will read this and can relate...I keep in framed and in visible site and I ready it all the keep me focused..these words were from somebody who just cared about me very much....... Sometimes we just need to reach down within,,,and see what we can muster and get through...whatever it is that is challenging us. Alll our stress is self inflicted (or what we allow) just have to do what you can do and remember..not to project negativity... JUST LET BE WHAT IS...and know your cant control anything but YOU !!! Nothing really matters in the big scheme of things ......
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:22:48 +0000

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