You know I have been flat of my back for days . I have thought - TopicsExpress


You know I have been flat of my back for days . I have thought about things, prayed about things. But most of all kept my mouth shut and my heart and soul open for strength from God. Wisdom from God, and direction from God. My heart is broken over people who are twisting Gods word to suit their lifestyles and pleasures. If it makes fellow Christians upset can you imagine how it makes God feel? Starting with me , wrong is wrong, right is right, and sin is sin! Sin and deception from Satan is killing our churches, our homes, and our world. I have been listening to a lot of preaching and the truths that came out of that precious Book that men are twisting to make them alright, they are on thin ice. We as Christians need to take a stand for what is right! Stick by Gods word for what it says, and if folks we thought were friends cant handle it. Let the chips fall where they may! God gave us His all, His precious Son! Made a way for us to escape a devils hell, we need to serve Him with boldness until He comes back or we go by the way of the grave. It doesnt matter how many singings or revivals that you drive all over everywhere to be at, if you are practicing sin you might as well be on the bank of the river fishing because all you are doing is being a stumbling block instead of a stepping stone! We are going to held accountable for every bit of the precious gospel we have heard and what we have done with it. Please stop twisting Gods word, you are just being satans helper .
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:12:53 +0000

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