You know how Ignorant you sound blaming protestors for a random - TopicsExpress


You know how Ignorant you sound blaming protestors for a random gang member that shot his GF, posted he was going to kill some cops, did said post, then took his own life. Yall really letting 1 idiot speak for the masses of peaceful protestors? Yall gotta be on one extreme or the other? Yall cant find the middle ground? Youre dumber than I thought. Do your research & stop relying on IDIOTS to shape your views & vantage points. Again, No One is CONDONING THE MURDER of law enforcement. But strangely SOME OF YALL can justify the actions of Cops abusing their power & murdering innocent black kids. #BlackLivesMatter because BLACK LIVES are the ones threatened by law enforcement on a regular. IM tired of hearing people say If he had acted rite blazzay blah B/c you can watch countless white people attack & verbally abuse police officers on TRU TV shows & not end up dead. Countless Mass Murderers, bombers, domestic terrorist taken into custody, but you can justify a MAN dying over selling a loose cigarette. THATS THE POINT MANY OF YOU ARE MISSING. Sure all lives matter but White lives are not threatened nowhere close to the rate that black lives are. Blue lives matter only if they are doing their job properly which means protect & serve w/o racial profiling & unnecessary aggression towards black & brown people. I shouldnt wake up everyday scared to drive to work, but I am. And I havent done anything wrong. Too many times the lives of Black men doing exactly as the officers ask have been taken for no reason & the officers face NO RAMIFICATIONS whatsoever. Tooo many times the justice system has failed black people & Im sorry you think these causes, protests, & frustrations are leaking onto social media & near your work place; but IM tired of fearing for my life & kids lives at the cost of a trigger happy police officer. The Justice system has given them a license to kill Black & thats why #BlackLivesMatter. Because you as a white American have NO fears of driving down the street b/c you can pretty much do as you please without fear of any penalties. There is systematic issues with this. We arent on a plantation. I should be allowed to say as I please just as any other American, but in this world & climate that may cost me my life. You Dont/cant wake up everyday & understand it unless youve been in my shoes. So I suggest people sit down in quiet area, pray, and do some self reflecting and really see what it is your upset about? Try to have some empathy for your fellow human. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine if your kid was playing with a cap gun in the Park & police officers ran up on him & shot him dead in 2.5s how you would feel. Imagine if someone gave you $0.50 for a cigarette & police officers choked you to death (because if your a smoker, I know youve bummed a cigarette from someone). Imagine your son was walking down the street & was confronted by a cop & shot to death (the cop knew nothing about the robbery fyi *that video was a month prior & the store clerk said it wasnt the guy in question anyway*). Imagine if people had empathy for there fellow man & stopped looking at race. Imagine if people quit being scared of the differences in people & embraced the difference. I promise I will always do my research on topics before I speak. I will not let the media influence me because I know how corrupt & agenda driven the media is. I will always speak what I feel is the truth & facts. If you dont like it, thats a YOU issue. Imma always be Tae. Imma always be open for debate as long as its respectful. Imma always stand up for what is right & the oppressed. If this makes you feel uncomfortable Good. Its in your best interest. Some people need a reality check & that only comes when you open your mind to the possibilities that your life isnt someone elses reality.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:11:16 +0000

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