You know me. I live by the belief that EVERYTHING happens for a - TopicsExpress


You know me. I live by the belief that EVERYTHING happens for a GOOD reason. Its true. Ive proved this to be fact over and over again. So this week I havent been able to sleep. My throat is useless. And my lymph nodes decided to take steroids and get all swollen. Lucky me I get to spend Thursday Friday and Saturday on the DL(Disabled List). After days of dealing with ridiculous tv programming and frustrating boredom, I turned to Facebook for anything remotely entertaining. Wheres a lifeline when ya need one???? LOL!! While scrolling through the normal AWESOMENESS that you ALWAYS post, I came across a video of a firefighter saving a kitten. Honestly, it made me SO FREAKIN APPRECIATIVE of my life!!! But then I looked on the side of the YouTube video and saw this video called THE WORLD CAN BE BETTER produced by an amazing young man who calls himself KID PRESIDENT!! The title caught my eye so I clicked on it. I really didnt know what to expect. What I found was something AMAZING! This video, written and produced by a young man who couldnt be older than 14, brings out how everyone, you and me, can be better human beings. Together, we can make this world better. You might think this song would be written similar to a parents lecture. Finger pointing and voices raised. But to my surprise....this young visionary tells us we can all be better therefore making the world better in such a POSITIVE manner!!! With no money to gain or records to sell, Kid President, on his own, decided to produce a POSITIVE, HEARTFELT, ZERO ULTERIOR MOTIVE message that most popular public figures never have cross their mind. What a gift this moment is for me. Its not just the video or the message. For me its the continuation of proof that not only does everything happen for a GOOD reason, but that even when nothing is gained, when I am in the middle of the land of infection, heroes are EVERYWHERE! They may not wear a cape or fly through the sky, but they are all around us!! Its strange, these antibiotics havent helped at all. Its kinda concerning me. Until this second. I actually feel happy. Not better. Just happy. Maybe the government should sit together and watch this video. Maybe they should feel what Im feeling. With a government completely divided, all it took was a young man to speak the amazing positive truth about life to make me feel the love that the World deserves. The World Can Be Better. And tonight, while I felt STUCK at home, I found a gift produced by an artist with a prefect name! The Government may be shut down, but we are reminded of what life really means...and from a boy with no Ivy League diploma. Maybe next election Ill exercise my right to WRITE IN my candidate. KID PRESIDENT! He cares when those in power could care less. So in a night when I felt anything but inspired, one thing man did for me what I normally do for others. If I had been out, I would have never seen this.. Everything DOES happen for a GOOD reason! Every single time.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:28:11 +0000

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