You know that coworker who comes in sick all the time? Well, they - TopicsExpress


You know that coworker who comes in sick all the time? Well, they might be a workaholic . . . OR, they might just be saving their sick days in case they randomly feel like sitting around in their pajamas at some point. According to a new CareerBuilder survey, 30% of us have gone to work SICK in the past year . . . specifically so we could save sick days for when were NOT sick. Here are the top five reasons people call in sick when theyre perfectly fine. 1. 33% of people have called in sick because they just didnt feel like working that day. 2. 28% have done it because they need a day off to relax. (Which kind of goes hand-in-hand with the last one.) 3. So they can go to a doctors appointment without worrying about getting back to the office . . . 24%. 4. To catch up on sleep . . . 19%. 5. To run errands or take care of a personal matter . . . 14%. CareerBuilder also asked employers for the most ridiculous EXCUSES people have used to get out of work in the past year. Here are the top ten. 1. My false teeth flew out the window while I was driving. 2. My favorite football team lost on Sunday, and I needed Monday to recover. 3. Im grouchy because Im trying to quit smoking. 4. Someone glued my doors and windows shut, and I cant get out of my house. 5. I bit my tongue, and I cant talk. 6. My car was surrounded by a swarm of BEES. 7. I ate too much turkey and fell asleep before my shift. 8. I need to finish my Christmas shopping. 9. I cant get my glass eye to stay in. 10. I couldnt decide on what to wear.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:02:53 +0000

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