You know that phrase, Ignorance is bliss? Theres a reason its - TopicsExpress


You know that phrase, Ignorance is bliss? Theres a reason its stuck around all these years. Because having the upper hand in intelligence might give you an advantage in some areas, like crossword puzzle solving and quantum physics-ing, but it also might just screw up your life forever. Note: Stephen Hawking can talk about how dangerous AI will be in the future, but were not worried. Because, as this Cracked Classic shows, the more dangerous dangerous robots gather, the more theyll sabotage their own well being, until all the Terminators work themselves to death while the ED-209s drown their inadequacy issues in robo-whiskey. So enjoy this article, and be less scared of robots. -Cracked For instance, if youre smart ... #5. Youre Probably a Night Owl -- And Thats a Bad Thing Getty Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high IQ: You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. Thats right -- the more intelligent are also much more likely to be night owls. Which isnt such a surprise when you consider that intelligent people are infamous for burning the midnight oil to cram for tests, write papers, touch up those earnings reports, etc. Photos And spending reports. It appears to just be evolution -- the more intelligent members of a species are, in general, the first to change habits (their big brains are wired to seek out novelty). Since humans have been day-dwellers during most of their existence, its primarily the smarties who prefer to habitually stay up until the wee hours and to do the types of tasks that are easier to accomplish when you dont have the day-dwellers hanging around and distracting you. Stuff that requires concentration, in other words. So let the early birds keep their measly worms. The nights owls get to feast on the juicy field mice of accomplishment! So Whats the Problem? Well, being a night owl does have some negative side effects. And by some we mean, Youre pretty much screwed. Getty And we mean REALLY screwed. For starters, studies have found that eveningness is associated with a high degree of emotional instability. That means you tend to be less agreeable and conscientious than the average Joe. Oh, and you dont just make others lives miserable. Thanks to your late-night habits, likely brought on by high intelligence, youre also three times more likely to suffer symptoms of depression. And the fun doesnt end there, geniuses! Turns out that, short of becoming a competitive asbestos eater, staying up late at night is about the worst thing you could do for your physical health. According to a number of studies, night owls are at higher risk for heart disease and suffer more arterial stiffness than those who go to bed early. Getty Its important to note, however, that not all night owls are geniuses. The direct cause might have less to do with the fact that you stay up than with some of the other things youre doing while your eyes get all nice and bloodshot. You see, people who tend to stay up late also tend to do other unhealthy things at night, such as overeating. Then, once they do eventually hit the hay, they experience more sleep interruptions when those pesky morning larks get up and start noisying about. All this adds up to some nasty artery stress and whacked-out circadian rhythms, a nice recipe for a massive coronary. So be sure to thank those dumbass early risers and your high intelligence for your inevitable heart attack. Photos Read more: cracked/article_19174_5-unexpected-downsides-high-intelligence.html#ixzz35QbEZWeV
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 03:07:27 +0000

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