You know this week hasnt been the best and the terminology TFI - TopicsExpress


You know this week hasnt been the best and the terminology TFI Friday was firmly implanted in my head when I got up this morning. That was until I arrived at work to the email below. As the story goes last Saturday I got a general enquiry of Paul about blasting some knives. Just a general enquiry as such but what stemmed from that is really quite amazing. After a few emails it was agreed we would meet on Wednesday afternoon but as the excitement and anticipation was too much for Paul he asked if he could come sooner and thats exactly what he did on Monday.We messed around providing him with a few samples all the while chatting and discovering we have many similar interests. Once done Paul went off to play with his samples emailing me a few times to thank me for my time and effort which is always nice and quite rewarding in itself. Now having done this for almost 25 years I have met some weird and wonderful people who I now regard as friends more than customers with Paul French being the newest. Im not an emotional kind of guy but this email I recieved from him this morning was really moving and quite uplifting with yet another friendship struck. Check this out and if any of you out there are into field sports or bush craft why not check out his site. I promise you, you couldnt be dealing with a nicer fellow. He is Maltize incidently hence the reference to malteser. Hi Bill, Just a thought, but sometimes things work out real odd; by which I mean you lost a German, but gained a Malteser! Martin seems really nice and I would have liked to have known him as he comes across as generous in thought and deed and a natural giver by default. You have no idea how uplifting it is for me to have come across someone like you, as naturally pleasant, helpful and generous as you like. I would always do right by you as I’m sure you’ll do right by me and you can bet your last that I’ll never take advantage of your kindness and generousity. The knowing that you’re held in trust and esteemed for no tangible reason other than for the person you are cannot but enhance one’s life. I consider myself very fortunate and am grateful for our paths to have converged. I had a crazy thought about how we might, temporarily at least, get to enjoy each other’s fishing methods. As you know I’m not totally unskilled in Coarse fishing, but I’m out of touch and tackle wise apart from a rod, reel and small pole I don’t have much else to be going on with. What I have a lot of is Fly fishing and Sea fishing gear – enough to open a shop! So here’s my suggestion – with no fixed time frame in mind as to when things should happen. I’ll be willing to have a go at your chosen discipline and see how I get on. I used to be keen enough to travel hundreds of miles to pleasure fish or fish matches, so maybe some of that enthusiasm might come back. The thing is that I’ll have to rely on you to help me out with suitable tackle on the day. In return, you allow me to take you Fly fishing and Beach fishing. I’ll set you up with all the kit you need and also provide you with any form of tuition you feel you need. I’m not bad at the casting game, when I was showing you the photos there were two tournament casting badges, one UKSF for 175m and one Sea Angler Magazine for 180m – so I can chuck lead a fair way in spite of my small stature and age! As I said, no particular time frame, simply as and when the opportunity might present itself by mutual agreement. The main thing though is that the offer is there and one is free to choose, no pressure, no hassle; just the possibility of some fun and a laugh or two! I’m gone 66 now, so if we can’t manage it sometime over the next 10 years, then you’ll have to come and get me from the old folk’s home! The offer is open to your Dad and whoever you think might want to have a go. That’s it matey for now, yet again I’ve encroached on your work time, but it’s all for a good cause… Cheers – Paul
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 08:45:29 +0000

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