You know times are getting tough when women are selling their - TopicsExpress


You know times are getting tough when women are selling their hair, breast milk and eggs to the highest bidders. From Bloomberg: Hair, breast milk and eggs are doubling as automated teller machines for some cash-strapped Americans such as April Hare. Out of work for more than two years and facing eviction from her home, Hare recalled Louisa May Alcott’s 19th-century novel and took to her computer. “I was just trying to find ways to make money, and I remembered Jo from ‘Little Women,’ and she sold her hair,” the 35-year-old from Atlanta said. “I’ve always had lots of hair, but this is the first time I’ve actually had the idea to sell it because I’m in a really tight jam right now.” The mother of two posted pictures of her 18-inch auburn mane on buyandsellhair, asking at least $1,000 and receiving responses within hours. Hare, who also considered selling her breast milk, joins others exploring unconventional ways to make ends meet as the four-year-old economic expansion struggles to invigorate the labor market and stimulate incomes. People even look into selling their kidneys, but while hair, breast milk and human eggs are legal for sale in the U.S., kidneys are not. Wouldnt it be nice if Obama was as interested in job creation as he is with fundamentally changing Amercia? Maybe WE wouldnt be so interested in selling off parts of our bodies if we could just get some decent pay for a decent days work -- i.e. find real jobs! More: bloomberg/news/2013-10-15/bodies-double-as-cash-machines-with-u-s-income-lagging-economy.html
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:00:42 +0000

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