You know what bothers me even more than the substantial salary cut - TopicsExpress


You know what bothers me even more than the substantial salary cut the health care fiasco at Penn State is causing? The lies. The saying theyll do things to smooth things over and then not bothering. The not bothering to look into the truth when hard evidence contrary to what theyve been told is presented - even when not bothering to look severely hurts people they claim to care about. We care about grad students Sure you do. Then maybe do what you say and care about the truth, then follow through on making things better in the mess you created. Taking responsibility instead of covering or ignoring would be a good start too. Tired of dealing with this sort of behavior. Why is honesty such a hard concept? I get that admitting and fixing takes more work and is not necessarily good for business, but the fallout of what theyre doing is far, FAR worse. Sincerely worried about the future of this university because this looks to be creating a cycle that will be difficult to stop. People have to drop out of the program and their stellar completion rates go down. Those go down, plus the cut in stipend and were no longer attracting the best. No longer attracting the best and we fall in the ratings, which means even more not attracting the best, and so on. Undergrads dont get what they need as much because grad students cant do as much or arent as qualified, professors lose their very good grad students, no longer attract as good of professors, and so forth, and so on... And all because Aetna wants so badly to milk the system for all its worth and the administration cant be bothered to actually look for the truth or write a simple petition. Because hey, you attract some of the best scholars, train them to do research at an insanely high level, trust them to represent you at conferences and in journals to the world, but believe that they may actually have something worthwhile to say? Nah. Stupid kids. What do they know? /vent. Nathaniel Porter)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 02:49:25 +0000

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