You may remember a man by the name of Glenn Beck. An off the wall, - TopicsExpress


You may remember a man by the name of Glenn Beck. An off the wall, constantly crying, lying, fear mongering, conspiracy theorist who was even too crazy for Fox news! Well, after they fired him he began peddling his discredited brand of CRAZY on the radio.It should come as no surprise that our good friend Louie Gohmert was the guest on Becks show the other day. Quite a large platform for a candidate to speak to the citizens he represents and is supposed to care about! Did he discuss a policy that may benefit us in some way? Did he offer an idea he would like to propose for bringing more and better paying jobs to the hard working folks here in East Texas? Did he speak, as a leader for our community, to dispell myths and calm the fears some people are having about the situation we are experiencing after one person has died and two of our own nurses have contracted the Ebola virus? Did he take the opportunity to speak to THOSE nurses or their families to let them know he is doing all he can to ensure they are given the best possible care? Did he tell them that Texas, District One is praying for them during this unimaginable time? NO, he did NOT! Instead, he took this opportunity to spread MISINFORMATION, POINT the finger of BLAME in every direction other than in the direction of HIS CLOWN CAR CONGRESS, LIED about the preparedness of our Military, and somehow conflated the topic of Ebola into talking about our Southern border, BUT, the most ironic part was that he actually POLITICIZED THE ILLNESS of those NURSES who have tested positive for Ebola after VOLUNTEERING to care for Mr. Duncan, who died from the virus. He actually said their illness was proof of the Democrats WAR ON WOMEN!!!!!!! Yes, I am serious! Check it out if you can watch without becoming nauseous. This is over the line...even for Louie Gohmert! Texas, it is time for some SANITY, LOGIC and LEADERSHIP in the US Congress! This is not a joke or a game. And it is time for us to tell Gohmert, STOP this CRAZY TRAIN, East Texans want off! Rheana Nevitt Piegols Team McKellar 2014 Tx01
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:55:06 +0000

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