You must choose.... .... Absolute latest from the Planetmates, - TopicsExpress


You must choose.... .... Absolute latest from the Planetmates, March 6th: On Benevolence, Caring as the nature of Reality, the Void, and the Planetmates’ magical revelation: “Like a Prodigal Daughter, You Are Being Invited Back Into Eden ... Can You Accept a “Friendly Universe”? “…you need just to resist the running away, the turning from the important things. You need to face it, “stand” it, so you can learn you can with-“stand” it. “Stand” in place and embrace your natural fear as you would the savior it is. You need to follow this fear to its source, which is the precarious state we are in, in which All, including yourselves, is at this moment falling over a precipice into a deep abyss. In allowing your fear to inform you, it will show you that dark abyss. And into it you must stare. You must not shrink from looking deeply into that void. For from it emanates the grandest and noblest of intents and motivations. It is only by taking in the darkness that you can engage in manifesting that which is light, or good, or life-affirming. “How can you possibly do this? you ask. You wonder how you can look into the void and not be destroyed. For you have made this darkness a wrong thing, rather than a divine part of it all … a necessary thing. So to do what you have not done, you need to heed what we tell you of Divine Providence and of the ultimate beneficence of It All — the way it is, the way it is as a creation of Divinity; and not only as is “sanctified” by your unholy hands alone. This you call faith. Faith is trust that the All That Is is a good and benevolent thing. Something that is on your side and not needing to be controlled or brought into line and hardly to be possessed and managed. “Planetmates Cite Their “Magical” Revelation as Itself Proof of Providence. “Faith Is Trust That the All-That-Is, Is a Good and Benevolent Thing” “If What Is was not a benevolent thing, why would we be here to inform, direct, and encourage you in doing what needs to be done for your own good? If Caring is not the nature of Reality, why would it matter to that Reality whether or not you succeeded in avoiding suffering? You say, “Oh, but you are here to tell us only to save yourselves, not motivated of any kindness.” You forget that we are not the All That Is any more than you are and that we no more have “free will” than you do. Has it not crossed your mind as yet that what is happening is a boon that we have not created, either? Do you not yet see, or catch a glimmer, of that Benevolence behind what we do — a Kind and Caringness that is seeking to reduce suffering for us all? For us planetmates, not just you? “Remember, you were once like us. We are your cousins, in fact. If a human cousin of yours conveyed in a most magical way an understanding of things that would benefit you, would you dismiss it if it benefited her or him as well? Is not the unprecedented and magical quality of this communication between us and you — something which is not an intention of either of us (as if there could be such a thing as intention, sui generis) — enough to open your eyes to the Benevolent Nature of It All, which is the only thing that could really be the source of this event? Is this not a fount from which to refill the faith you lack, which has caused you to run from fear, as well as everything else you cannot control. And if you say you are uncertain of this as even being benevolent, this extra-ordinary interspecies joining of minds, does it occur to you to what extent you wish to harm yourselves, foregoing all assistance? For if someone advised you to desist from hitting yourself with a hammer in order to suffer less, would you doubt the benevolence of that advice? “Like a Prodigal Son, You Are Being Invited Back Into Eden ... Can You Accept a “Friendly Universe”? “So, do you not see the Divine Providence you have turned your back on, resisted, even defied appearing here and now to welcome you home? Do you not see that, like the Prodigal Son, you are being invited back into Eden in all this? If Reality were of a malevolent character, would it not spite you rather than save you? Would it not strike you down for defiance instead of, as you see here, seeking to lift you above the trials and travails that you are creating for yourselves? “It is for you alone to decide, then, whether you will allow yourself to be welcomed back into the Divine fold: Will you continue your delusion to an ungodly end for you and us all? Or will you accept the warm embrace of Benevolence that is being offered you? You must choose….” [More coming…. To see the entire book, to which this will be added eventually (book is two-thirds updated), go tomladzema.wordpress/the-great-reveal-book-6/ … Planetmates: The Great Reveal from Our Angels in Nature is also scheduled for print and e-book publication in mid-March, 2014] Note: If you like this, you need to share it on your wall and/or in groups. My wife, Mary Lynn Adzema, and I are both being blocked by FB from sharing this material from the Planetmates. thank you….. Mary Lynn Adzema: I am sharing Michael Adzemas work. He has been blocked from doing so, himself. Might want to direct comments on the writing to him.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:55:14 +0000

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