“You will arise and have pity on Zion; it is the time to favour - TopicsExpress


“You will arise and have pity on Zion; it is the time to favour her; the appointed time has come.” God is in control of our lives! He holds the keys to our destinies and our futures, especially as His children. He also sees our struggles and understands our pains and frustrations. He feels our pains and would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure, that is why He sometimes takes a very direct action to move us forward. As a child, we used to make little boats with paper and then float them down our open drains. The drains were quite clean and ran quite smoothly. Sometimes the boats got stuck and we would wait to see if the current will dislodge the boat from the obstruction, but if it doesn’t move, we would stoop down and pick up the boat and put it in the place where it is not obstructed. Then the boat just moves on freely. This made us so happy, to see our paper boats continue the journey. This is what today’s passage is all about! “You will arise and have pity on Zion; it is the time to favour her; the appointed time has come.” It is the divine intervention of a loving and kind God in the affairs of His people, to give them a boost and helping hand so they can reach their goals and succeed in life; just at the right time. God is going to arise and help you. He will show you His grace and favour. He will do it in time and He will not be late. Today, I have a sense that this is the set time of God’s favour and grace for somebody. That this is the Kairos moment for God’s favour in your life. That what has been held up for so long will be released and that what has been stalled will commence and move forward. That God will have pity on us and help us along the way. There are times when we feel so helpless and bewildered. We feel unable to do anything about our predicament. But I have good news for you. There is a God who cares and is more than able to fix our difficult situation. Just like my small paper boats, I could stoop down and help it, so our God is so much bigger than all we are struggling with and He will help us. In the early days of the revival in Nigeria, we used to sing a simple but powerful song. ‘I anticipate, the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God. I expect a miracle, I expect a miracle! Whatever you are going through, whatever you may be feeling, please make this proclamation with me. Father God, thank you that you will arise and have compassion on me, that you will show me your favour, mercy and grace. That this is the set, appointed time for you to show me your mercy. I believe this is Jesus name. Amen
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 21:52:37 +0000

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