Your Daily Fortunes for Friday January 2nd, - TopicsExpress


Your Daily Fortunes for Friday January 2nd, 2015 Tarot~Justice Traditionally, what has been known as the Justice card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings. Often including the image of a fulcrum which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. Its a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned. The law of Karma is represented here -- what goes around comes around. Horoscopes~ Settling down is out of the question today, even if the holidays are now behind us. We’re caught between the exuberance of yesterday’s Mars-Jupiter opposition and the recklessness of tomorrow’s Sun-Uranus square. Maintaining focus can be difficult because we grow bored quickly while the restless Gemini Moon encourages us to gather new information. We barely have time to regroup and to prepare for the next wave of change that’s already on the way. Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) You might be incredibly busy today, even if you don’t get very much accomplished. You’re more interested in pursuing a sparkly new person or a fresh idea than you are in finishing your work. Unfortunately, this kind of irresponsible attitude can stir up the ire of a coworker who wants you to hold up your end of the deal. Avoid causing unnecessary trouble now by fulfilling your promises before doing anything else. Exercising self-discipline early in the day gives you the chance to embark on an intellectual exploration later on. Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) You are torn between opposing forces today, yet due to a lack of resources you’re limited in how you can respond. Accepting an intriguing invitation sounds tempting today, but previous obligations might not give you enough time. You would love to jump at a chance to make more money, but it may not materialize right away. Don’t let discouragement bring you down; express your creativity knowing that your efforts will be acknowledged in the future. Keep plugging away for now; your opportunity to shine will come soon enough Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) Having too many choices can be a bit overwhelming today, especially if you’re trying to follow through on unfinished tasks that are left over from before the holidays. Nevertheless, the Moon’s current visit to your inquisitive sign is exciting because you can’t help but see wonderful opportunities everywhere you look. There’s no reason to be too hard on yourself if you aren’t able to concentrate on your work. Just make certain that you come back to it later so you don’t let anyone down while you chase your dreams. Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Taking defensive action by retreating behind a wall of secrecy won’t necessarily make you feel any more secure today. The Moon is hiding out in your 12th House of Privacy, reinforcing your tendency to emotionally withdraw if circumstances become too confusing or intense. However, your smartest strategy is to talk about your concerns. Bringing your feelings out into the open now saves you from having to fall into your fantasies in order to feel safe. Surprisingly, reality could be better than your dreams. Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Although there may be pressure on you to follow through on your professional commitments, you prefer to be socializing with your friends or associates today. Unfortunately, you could easily forget to return to your chores if you choose to play in the middle of the day. Instead of avoiding responsibilities by jumping from one distraction to another, focus solely on one thing at a time. The company of others will seem more pleasurable when you can truly relax and enjoy it with a clear conscience. Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) You’re at a fork in the road and have choices to make now that could significantly impact the trajectory of your career. You can see the pros and cons of both paths; nevertheless, you must choose based on what you know today, rather than what might happen in the future. Your dreams are inspirational, but it’s wise to be practical and pay attention to the facts. Nevertheless, don’t hesitate for long; trust your instincts to steer you in the right direction. Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Your current perspective is not limited by social convention now, yet stepping out of the box may lead you onto an unfamiliar path. Unfortunately, placing too much importance on your impractical ideas can be disorienting if you don’t ground your radical plans with reality. However, it’s better to give your mind permission to wander rather than attempting to stop your natural creative flow. Just remember that you don’t have to act on every whim or share every thought. Exploring your imagination enables you to visit other worlds as you please. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) You may already have your schedule set in stone but you might have to adapt it to an unexpected change of circumstances, anyway. You won’t likely change your mind easily, but your unwillingness to be flexible isn’t helpful now. Having to relinquish your plans may seem like a setback, but it could be a true blessing in disguise. This is not about your failure to reach your goals; rather, it’s a temporary break in your progress that allows you to recharge your batteries so your energy is there when you need it most. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Relationship dynamics are in the spotlight today and others might be the source of excitement or irritation, depending on the circumstances. More likely, someone is both pleasant and bothersome at the same time. Although you want to enjoy the company, it’s difficult to stick to your agenda when other people keep pulling you off track. There isn’t a simple solution to this dilemma, but being adaptable enables you to maintain a positive attitude. Your willingness to meet the opposition halfway opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) You’re uncertain about what’s expected of you at work today. Even if you are assigned a specific task, there may be a variety of ways for you to tackle it. The dualistic Gemini Moon’s visit to your 6th House of Details can weigh you down with minutiae or tie you up in red tape unless you keep your eyes on your goal. Ultimately, it’s more effective to jump in and get busy than to endlessly analyze all the angles. The sooner you begin, the quicker you finish. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You may be fighting a losing battle in your current war against change. It’s ironic that you appear to be such a progressive person yet you cling to the status quo like a non-swimmer sticks to the shore. Thankfully, you have recently processed some pretty big lessons about the intuitive power of your strong imagination. Tuning into your dreams can play a significant role in your current drama of transformation. Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) You may believe that you can give up an old habit now by simply reaffirming your resolution to do so. Although stating your intention is a crucial part of the process, words alone won’t do the trick. You must actually alter your behavior to set the new pattern in motion. You’re on the threshold of a significant transition, and you might foolishly attempt to make it happen all at once. But even if you experience a sudden breakthrough today, the most enduring changes unfold gradually. Perhaps you feel a sense of urgency, but there’s really no hurry at all. Norse Rune~Jera Rune Meaning “Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.” Jera – “Yehr-ah” – Literally: “Year” – Esoteric: Harvest Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal (naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the heart. Psi: psychological time, patience, the measurement of time Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression. Governs: Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land Peace, prosperity and plenty Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life My Notes: The summer harvest was winter food, the seeds from the harvest became next summer’s crop. So while attentiveness to cultivation of the present moment is paramount, within the present moment lay the wisdom for future planning. The cycle of the seasons is not so much associated with time, but the inflow and outflow of the land’s breath. The rhythms of sleep, dusk and dawn, the heartbeat, the breath, all these are keys into unlocking Jera’s subtle nature. Like Isa, Jera is has an unstoppable energy, gradual but unrelenting, unhurried but persistent, indifferent to human influence. Nature has a way of persistently marching on. Jera’s changes are not sudden or explosive, and cannot be forced. The key is making small, gradual changes every day, for the better. Taken alone these events may seem trivial, but they are cumulative and proceed forward with all the inevitability of earth’s journey around the sun. Jera is a rune of patience and movement with the harmony with natural tides of life. Moving with such life rhythms brings abundance and plenty. The cyclical recurrences in the biosphere and of the astronomical procession spirals through time, and contains many more profound secrets than does our common involvement with linear time, calendar dates and the clock. Jera has to do with right timing. Jera is in the maxim “This too shall pass”, the proverb, “As you sow, so shall you reap”, and in the modern adage, “time heals all wounds.” Using this rune is the key to understanding the mysteries of time and the psychological importance of dividing and managing time. Deadlines bring out the best in us and motivate us to grow to levels beyond our present ability. It also moves us to strategically taking action when the time is right. Take advantage of the ups and coast through the downs. Jera can magically speed things up or slow things down, and manipulation of subjective time in this manner is governed by this rune. In this rune we see the most stark western counter-point to the maxim ‘time is an illusion’. If a person sows no seeds, does no work, plants no goals and desire in his or her thoughts, Jera will bring about situations which reflect that lack. The ultimate consequences of past human action unfold into the future. “Time and I Against Any Two.” Witches Rune~The Black Rune - Keywords: Difficulty, pain. Meanings: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your lifes path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances. Be Blessed Today Pagans! ~Elder Airwolf~
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:56:39 +0000

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