Your Facebook feed has probably been pretty filled lately with ice - TopicsExpress


Your Facebook feed has probably been pretty filled lately with ice bucket altruism, but with any luck, its about to get a little more crowded. All right, I dont really do Facebook videos or anything like that, but I guess since everyone else is doing a challenge, I figure I should do one too, dad Kendell J. Smith says in the clip, initially referencing the viral ice bucket video challenge to benefit ALS, or Lou Gehrigs disease. So this is my challenge out there to anybody that wants to accept it. See if you can do this. But when he reaches down, he doesnt pick up a bucket full of cold water; he picks up his son. His challenge -- one for real men, the viral clips title notes -- requires a much different sort of commitment...Be a father, Smith says, his son now in his arms, his gaze trained on the camera. Take care of your kids. Be there in their lives and mean something to him, he says. - The Huffington Post What do you think Smith is saying about being a real man?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:30:55 +0000

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