Your New Years Resolution of trying to visit your yoga mat more - TopicsExpress


Your New Years Resolution of trying to visit your yoga mat more often getting you down? Let me share a few tips with you to put the fun back in your down dog. EFFORT How much force are you putting into it? Can you make it softer and still be as efficient? What would it take? Less pressure in your wrists? More contraction in your abdominals? How much effort do you really need to do the pose right? GROUNDING Where are your feet? Are they on the ground? Evenly? Where is the pose originating from? Your wrist? Your elbow? Your shoulder? Your center? How are you breathing? Does the rhythm of your breathing suit you today or is it recycled from yesterday? APPROACH Are you always coming at your pose from the same angle? How often are you changing that? Are you willing to take a new look at an old pose? Is your sun salutation drone-like, lacking a little consciousness, listless? Too fast or slow? PRESENCE Are you actually in your class or are you mentally running through your emails, straightening up your apartment and composing dialogue for later in the day? Is your heart even there? If so, how does it feel? Can you feel the shape and volume of your heart? Can you feel the spaces between your toes? The space above and below you? And most importantly, ARE YOU BREATHING?! Whatever you do, make sure theres an element of fun to it. Notice what you’re really interested in while mechanically performing your asana (poses) – that may be the most illuminating of all! You can also make it more interesting by adding a challenge or limitation: what would it feel like to try a handstand? Ask your instructor!!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:38:47 +0000

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