Your Word Holds Your Joy Many people enjoy sitting on the fence - TopicsExpress


Your Word Holds Your Joy Many people enjoy sitting on the fence while others speak their minds out on issues of life and personal concern. Going through the scriptures this morning, I found a piece and after pondering for a while I felt we should look at it. Prov.15:23 ‘A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!’ How do you feel when you air your mind on issues that relates to correction, making case for someone or something, telling the truth that could liberate you, your community and the likes for instance? Do you feel happy, joyous and comfortable when you talk when you ought to? When things are going wrong where you are and you know you ought to point it out but decided to keep to yourself either for fear or lack of interest, do you feel happy when it eventually go so bad? Take a look at the scripture again and think about the answers you give to people on issues, do they bring you and the receiver of your answers joy, are you happy you speak your mind each time you did or you feel better not saying anything? Do you know that when things are going wrong around you and you feel unconcern because it has not affected you or yours directly, you are a part of the ill? What words come out of your mouth most times; words of sycophancy, yes, yes to make someone happy even at the suffering of most? Do you say the truth and damn the consequences according to your conscience, or is there no more conscience there in you so you say all you say to have gain? Do you speak for profitability only and nothing more, so even if your words will bring death and destruction to a whole land as long as it brings profit and income to you, you don’t care? Your words should bring you joy, when it is the other way then it is poison. I hate hearing such words as: ‘the time for me to speak is not now’, they keep mute over issues and voice out years later when there is no more remedy to the evils done. Political office holders are found of this; they come out years later to make money with the truth kept for years when they could have saved someone from dying a needless death. They write books and lunch it; people celebrate them as if they are doing the society good when they were simply making money with truth kept for years. A word NOT spoken in season, how bad is it! Speak your mind by your conscience and speak it on time, you might just be saving a life. Prayer: God grant me the boldness to speak my mind at the right time and to always say the truth without fear or favour, let not my personal interest over shadow my voice of truth.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:35:30 +0000

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