Your brain uses energy like a marathon runner. Bruce - TopicsExpress


Your brain uses energy like a marathon runner. Bruce Lipton Your thoughts and words put into action, via your personal power or life force ... your mental and emotional energy. And so, when you speak or think from the perspective of worry you are actually saying a prayer or wasting/placing your emotional-thought energy towards what you DO NOT want to happen. Let that sink in. Ask yourself daily, where am I placing my attention, my thoughts, words or energy? Am I honoring the way of fear and doubt ... or am i directed towards the way of truth with trust in my own birth-right of divinity? And then, make a promise to yourself to ONLY put out words, thoughts and energy that will actually ENHANCE your life, your cells, your body, your reality and our New Earth potentials ... vs ... wasting y/our energy on lower vibe intentions of fear or anxiety in respects to what tomorrow might bring. Be here & now, for both you and your families deserve the very best life and the universe have to offer. Indeed. May we each choose to love ourselves more and more than ever before. The Peaceful One and Mt Shasta FGI Team https://youtube/watch?v=0quDjlkVvPM
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:30:53 +0000

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