Your generation has been inundated with the promise that, “You - TopicsExpress


Your generation has been inundated with the promise that, “You can do anything.” Dr. Seuss: You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself In any direction you choose. John Yes, it feels that way. The twenties sure feel like the decade of decision making, don’t they? Money, jobs, women, love, revolutions, dreams – everything we have been talking through is going to require some serious and sometimes constant decision making on your part. truth is, the options before you are limited and that is a great relief. The open ocean is beautiful to look at, but terrifying if you have to navigate it in a small boat. But you are not facing the open ocean. God puts us within a context, with a limited gifting and limited resources, and that is immensely kind. Sam You know, this actually sounds discouraging, like you are taking away from the bright future of possibilities. You sound like a naysayer. John Not at all. When Jesus said, “Broad is the way to destruction… narrow is the path to life,” we don’t recognize it for the relief it is (Matthew 7:13). A road as vast as the horizon is no road at all. widest avenue in the world – up to seven lanes running in both directions. Picture yourself as an ant trying to find his way home using so broad a path. This is the psychological effect of telling the Internet generation, “You can do anything!” It simply isn’t true. When you begin to factor in decisions based on reality, opportunity, finances, and the constraints of love, I think you will find the road to life refreshingly narrow – that is, a path you can actually follow.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:35:10 +0000

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